Chapter 10

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"Lauren, wait up!"

The older girl stopped and waited for Camila to catch up before turning back around. "We're heading to the creek, but we'll take a different way. It takes longer, but it'll keep them from following us."

"Okay," Camila said, but her eyes darted from tree to tree. "You know what you're doing, right? Because I kind of don't want to get lost in this forest. And I don't think you want it either. Just think about the theories our fans will have when it becomes known that you and I have gotten lost in the woods. Together.  They'd probably say we ran away and eloped and they're gonna write hundreds of fanfics about it or something and we'll be stuck here until we die while they trend something about Camren."

"Ha, ha," the green-eyed girl said dryly and trudged forward. "Don't worry, I have it all planned out. It's pure logic. If we keep going straight ahead and then take a sharp right, we're going to find the creek with no trouble at all."

"Except that creeks don't flow in a straight line. Or that it's nearly impossible to walk a straight line on your own."

Almost unnoticeable, Lauren paused. "I knew that. Nevertheless, we'll find it. One way or the other."

The unconvincing answer didn't assure Camila in the slightest. She glanced over her shoulder, only to be met with more trees and bushes. They were already too far away to see or hear the others. They were completely alone. She crossed her arms and looked back to Lauren who kept marching forward, unbothered by the possible danger they could find themselves in.

"One way or the other..." Camila scoffed quietly. "Lauren, you know I love you, but sometimes you do rash things without thinking them through. We're in the middle of an unknown forest with no paths or maps or even a GPS signal or a compass to help us. If we get lost, our only chance for survival is screaming for help and hoping that the girls will somehow find us without getting lost themselves. We can't just aimlessly walk around and hope for the best. Or do you want to ask a squirrel for directions? Or a bear?"

Stopping suddenly, Lauren swiftly turned around. The glare that she gave the younger girl was bone-chilling. "I didn't ask you to follow me and I certainly didn't force you either. If you're that scared about getting lost in the woods or getting eaten by a bear, how about you turn around and leave me the fuck alone?!"

Not intimidated in the slightest, Camila crossed her arms and evenly met the furious eyes of her once best friend. "I'm sorry for worrying about our lives. I'll try to be as reckless as you from now on."

"You are so full of yourself, it's astounding! Have you ever worried about anyone else in your life? Because I kinda see a pattern here."

Confused, Camila furrowed her brow. "What are you talking about? I worry for the both of us. We have no idea what kind of animals live in these woods –"

"This is not about some stupid animals!"

"It's..." Camila blinked. "it's not?"

"Fucking hell," Lauren cursed, "I can't believe  you! You can't be that  daft, Camila! I'm talking about you constantly  brushing off the concerns of others because they don't seem important to you until it's suddenly about yourself!"

"If this is about Camren –"

"OF COURSE THIS IS ABOUT FUCKING CAMREN!" The younger girl winced at the volume. Above them dozens of birds fled from the treetops, screeching in fear. Lauren glared at them and grudgingly lowered her voice a few notches. "When have you ever  tried to see it from my point of view?! 'It's what fans do, Lauren. Don't be so mean to them, Lauren. They don't do it to hurt you, Lauren. It's just all in good fun, Lauren.'  But they do hurt me and it's not fun for me, Camila! Don't my feelings matter at all in this? If I tell you that I can't go on like this – that I can't live with them sexualizing our friendship, with them harassing people I love – shouldn't my  opinion matter too? Shouldn't my feelings be considered too?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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