Your noisy!

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After the cafeteria incident I went straight to the library.

No look backs.

No turn rounds.

It was embarrasing!

So embarrassing!

I'm gonna curse Korbin Austry forever!

Why? Simple! That jerk suddenly bugged in and interrupted my good start conversation with



Nah! Nevermind! I forgot his f*cking name! ARGH!!!

I gave my study load to the assistant librarian and in exchange she gave me the book slip that I needed so that I can get the books I wanna borrow then give it to the head librarian so that she can list them down.

See how useful our study load is?

And she how hard it is to fish knowledge from our damn library?

"No wonder most students would rather use the Wifi than this library thing ...", I muttered with a low voice while giving my book slip and the books I needed to the head librarian.

"You said anything Miss?" , she asked.

"No ma'am." I quickly grabbed my books and search for an vacant table.

Damn, she looks like an evil witch. Oh well, stereotypes for librarians.

I walked towards the table near to the window, I like the feels of being near to the windows.

They make me feel... comfortable.

I was gonna get deeper to the article that I was reading when someone... again ,sat in front of the table I was occupying.

Hopefully it's Ray-whatever...

I was gonna raise my head hoping it was damn him. Yep the idiot sat and gave me a HUGE smile.


God! When is he ever gonna leave me!!! I frustatedly dropped my book and shot him a glare.

"What?" , he said. Acting like he didn't do anything wrong awhile ago.

I still gave him a glare even he was already well maybe getting himself into what his reading.

He closed his book and throw backed a stare towards me.


He was staring.

I was glaring.

Silenced took over between us.

Its like we we're having a cold war that students who pass our table or even college instructors could actually feel the tension between us.

"Whats with you?!", I told him as I glared at him even more then just crossed my arms.

"Me? I guess I've got everything", then gave me a smug face.

"F*CK YOU!", I mouthed on him which made him laugh hard.

Not in the library again! This is my only safe place.

Yup. And then again he got EVERYBODY'S attention.

"Asshole" , I muttered then covered my face in embarrassment.

The head librarian went straight to our and gave us a scary-starewarning.

Korbin didn't actually mind the looks that was given to him. Damn! The guys' got such guts.

He kept on laughing, and laughing.

But before the librarian could pull him and I out of the library I stepped on his foot which made him stopped from laughing and shot a glare to me .

"Hopefully this would be the last time I'm gonna warn you guys from being noisy! We all know that noise is strictly prohibited inside the library! Is that understood?!

"Yes ma'am " I nooded.

"Yeah cool" , Korbin said while massaging his pained foot.

After the librarian went back to her place I also went back to reading while Korbin was still massaging his feet.

"Why always the feet?" , he asked as he continue massaging his foot.

"What? I asked as I took my eyes off awhile from what I'm reading.

"What I mean~~~ Damn! It's nasty!" He said as he quickly put alcohol on his hand.

"Is that?" I also smell the nasty stuff...

"NO! The hell! My foot never smells like this " , he said as he was some kind of wrinkling his nose.

"Or did you?" As I surveyed his shoes...

"Stepped on a shit?" He smell his shoes and smirked.

"Most..." taking his shoes off his nose.

"Probably" I ended his sentence.

Love, Korbin AustryWhere stories live. Discover now