♚World Map♚

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Okay guys i'm making this because i want you guys to understand why the players in my story go to places like these here below..:)


The tower is consist of 50 floors and it is only for players lv50 above if you and you're party ( Maximum of 6 people per party) okay if u manage to beat the last boss on the Tower and you got the Last hit bonus you can get a Legendary Weapon depending on you're Class and an Legendary Armor Set and these Equipments are so legendary you can't almost find them but of course u need to earn them the hard way and that is beating the fl50 tower boss and get the last hit bonus..

Quest Dungeon:

Here you can automatically accept quest from the quest NPC so you don't need to find different NPC that gives quest..

Treasure Island:

This island can be only entered by players who reach lv60 and above..You can farm many golds and ores here for 10 mins. After 10 mins the gold and ores will disappear but b4 you can farm and loot these gold and ores you need to beat the Treasure Island boss..But be careful,it won't be easy..


Dungeon is almost the same as the tower but in doesnt just give weapon,It also gives great Exp so if you do the dungeon you can lv up faster (Dungeon is for player lv20 and above)

Grasslands,Volcano,Snow Lands,etc:

Here you can kill different monsters and earn some golds and exp enough to Lv you up and gold enough to buy you equipment for beginner..


In the town u can find everything you need like Class NPC,Blacksmith,Equipment Shop and etc..


Here the people well you already know XD they come here to do the Wedding..Of course i want to have a wedding NPC to make this story exciting..

Auction House:

Here you can sell you're equipments to earn gold but i already you all know that..so lets skip..

Sacred Island:

A hidden Island that can only be opened to players who defeated the 4 sacred beasts that guards different gates..Just go to the Quest Dungeon to accept the quest..

6 Legendary Dragon Isand:

Here if you beat the you can acquire their legendary armor set and skill if you got the Last attack bonus...The 6 Legendary Dragons are the Fire,Dark,Green,Lightning,Light,Earth dragons..

PvP Arena:

Here you can PvP with players you accepted the duel with..

Training Center:

Here you can train different pets you aquired so they can learn new skills and become stronger..

Hmmm pretty much that's all i could think of people but maybe if i can think of something more i'l just update it to yall..

Now lets continue with the story :) and also thanks for taking the time to read this..

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