chapter 29

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Stiles pulls over by our gate. I look out the window before turning around already seeing a Stiles Stilinski with brown sparkling eyes and his mouth forming in a smile. I give him a cheeky smile.

" I had a really great time, Stiles. " I say softly.
" Yeah. Yeah, I did too. "

I bite my lip and glance down. I'm getting really annoyed with the awkward silence. I'm not even sure what I or him meant about having a great time. It was either the Christmas party or when we took shelter at the back of his jeep. The thought of it made me blush.

I glance at Stiles. " Thanks for the ride ... and everything else. " I say before placing a quick kiss on his cheek then getting out of the jeep. I swear, when I glanced at Stiles, I caught him frowning and his eyebrows dropping like he was giving me a worried look.

I hang my bag on my shoulder and start to walk to the house. The neighborhood is really quiet. No one's outside. Some lampposts are on but it's still pretty dark.

As I was walking, I hear one of the doors of Stiles' jeep close then I hear a voice from behind.

" I'm sorry, Lydia. "

I turn around finding Stiles standing with his face full of sympathy.

" I wasn't myself. "
" Stiles, you don't have t- "
" No, Lydia. I literally wasn't myself. "

I give him a puzzled look. Does he have double personality or something?
Stiles looks down at his hands playing with them. " Lydia, I'm sick. "

I feel my heart melt down as I gulp. I honestly didn't know what to think or say. I was completely speechless. " How sick are you? " That was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

" I had frontotemporal dimentia. Areas of your brain start to shrink. It was what my mother had. " Stiles said.

I don't know why but I felt wetness on my eyes. I lick my lip softly and swallow.

" How bad is it? "
" Lydia, it doesn't matte- " Stiles walks towards me and was gonna grab my arms for comfort but I pull away.
" No, Stiles, it matters. It matters a lot to me. It fucking as hell matters. Now, tell me how bad this dimentia i- " I say as I feel a tear fall on my face and my voice trembles.
" Lydia, everything's gonna be okay. They got it out. "

I look at him and swallow. " You mean, you're gonna be okay? " My subconscious and inner goddess light up a bit.

Stiles softly wiped my tear away then rubbed my cheek. He smiled with a soft scoff. " Yeah, yeah, I am. "

I look up at him leaning a little closer looking really deep into his eyes. I think I caught his cheeks turn red and his Adam apple adjust. I think because he gulped.

" Promise? " I whisper.
Stiles nods slowly but a little.
" I promise. "

I pull back glancing down when suddenly, half of me didn't believe him. I gulp. " Stiles, a promise is a promise, right? I'm serious. " my voice started to rise.

" Oh, come on, Lydia. " his mood changes almost like he's mad.

" You know I didn't do it. I know you wanted to forgive me from the second you opened your eyes in the hospital and saw me. You knew it wasn't me that tried to kill you. I know this because I know you love me. " Stiles raises his voice.

My whole body froze. My eyelids tremble trying to stop from creating tears.

" You love me, Lydia! "

My blood rises from inside my veins and I feel rage inside me.

" Stop it! " I said.
" Go on. Say it. Say you don't love me. " Stiles spits on me a little as he walks towards me. Our faces are already so close. I feel the same wetness on my eyes.

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