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Lexis (POV) 

" Kimmy is soo cute " Sammi says as she snuggles her close. 

" Shes a brat dont let her fool you " I laugh and she smiles laying a sleeping Kimmy next to her passed out brother on the sofa

 " I can believe Ashley is a dad " She says looking at Katie who is passed out in her seat. " I've spent the last three months looking for him. my friends at the law office busted there butts to make sure i kept her but well we were pushed to find her father,  or she would go to forster care " I Said with a sigh and sammi smiles

 " Well now you found her. " she leans over and hugs me and stands up

 " Come on lets get some wine and order more food " I Stand up and follow her into the kitchen. throwing some take out menus at me i start to look at them with a smile " So Ok i'll just ask right out " She says poping the cork on the wine bottle 

" wheres kimmy and JD's dad " She says as she puts a glass of red wine in front of me and smiles 

" He ran off when kimmy was two weeks old, and Ive not seen him since" I pick up the glass and take a long sip when the door opens the laugher  fills the room. Sammi runs to shush them as i stand up to check them, leaning over the sofa i smile down at JD when a hand appers on my shoulder making me jump i turn with out thinking and push the person back. I find myself face to face with the person Ashley called jinxx and he smiles

 " Nice reflexes " He says with a smile " Sorry I tend to get scared easyly " I Blush and he laughs " We are all going to go sit on the back porch if you would like to join us " I Nod and follow him to the porch

 " Aww Lexis " Sammi says patting the set next to her " Come sit, We were just talking to ashley about Katie " she says with a grin, my glass of wine is already in front of the seat and i sigh, snuggling into the seat i smile around the table

 " Ohh shit " Ashley says with a Laugh " Andy CC Jake This is lexis. Lexis this is andy the lead singer of the band Jake the guitarist and CC he just beats on big drums " Ashley says with a laugh as CC Flips him off and smiles at me 

" Pleasure to meet you " Andy says and i nod " So Tell us About katie " Says jinxx and i smile " Well her birthday is April 6th, she loves cartoons and Oreos, She might be a little young for them but JD likes to share them with her " I Say with a laugh, We talk on and order food around midnight i lean over and whisper to ashley

" I think i should get the kids back home and in there own beds " He smiles and nods " Ok " turning back to the group he tells them we are going to head off and CC Offers to help us carry  the kids to the car.. with kimmy tucked into CC's arms and ashley with Katies Carseat i start to pick up JD but am quickly pushed out of the way

 " I'll get him " says Andy with a smile. Picking up JD ashley leads the way to the car.. i put all the bags in the truck and shut it softly as Ashley puts Katie in the car and shuts the door he goes back to say good bye to his friends.. Sammi comes over and gives me a big hug and whispers " if you ever need anything just give me a call " she says pressing a paper into my hand she nods

 " Its mine and Jinxx's cellphone numbers and the house number, " she winsk and goes to hug Ashley good bye. pushing the number in my pocket i turn to get in the car with four arms grab me and hug me I Squeel and Andy and CC laugh

 " Sorry Can't leave with out a hug " CC says as he snuggles me tight. I Giggle and andy kisses my hand and passes me a paper 

" My number and Juliet Cell phone number. you didnt get to met her tonight but she is wonderful.. Give us a call if you ever need anything " I Blush and nod and push the paper in my pocket as he turns and jumps on ashleys back. Leaving me with CC still snuggling me tightly

 " Umm i cant get in the car with you holding on to my tightly " I Say and he hugs tighter " No you cant " He laughs and smiles pushing a paper into my pocket he laughs

 " my number Call me just ohh loook a  plane " He yells letting me go as he runs into the road and looks up  just as a big jet plane flys lower over head.. I laugh and shake my head pulling open the door i get in and shut it before anybody else can hug me . Ashleys door opens but jake flopps down with a smile

 " You didnt hug me " He says leaning over as he hugs me tight and hands me a paper " Call me if you need anything " I nod and hug him tight as he gets out of the car.  before he can shut the door Ashley flopps down and sighs

 " Thats the group of misfits i call friends " He says with  a smile. turning downt he radio  he turns on the car and we head off towards the house. 

Ashley waits in the car as i unlock the door and carry the kids in one at a time. Ashley carrys katie in and smiles

 " Can i put her in her bed" He asks softly and i nod as i go in and take off JD's Shoes tucking him into bed i kiss him good night and head into Katie and kimmys room to I Stop at the door and smile.. Ashley is singing softly to both girls  sitting in the middle of the room I shake my head and sigh. stepping in i smile

 " I already took off Kimmy shoes and changed Katies butt cover "He says and smiles " Ok " I Whisper and leave the room. I flopp down on the sofa and sigh pulling off my shoes and socks i wiggle my toes and lean back on the sofa. 

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