Lexis ( POV) Found

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Lexis ( POV) 


With Kimmy in one arm the baby carry in the other and JD holding tight to my pants pocket i make my way into the buidling Of Brikes, Brokes and Macore.

 " Ok JD Please Push the button to call the elevator" I say nodding to the Button's 

 " Ok mommie " Jd answers letting go of my pants he pushes the up button and steps back 

" grab my pocket again Sweetie " I Tell him as we walk into the Elevator,

 " HOLD THE ELEVATOR" Someone calls so i stick my foot out to hold it, as a person with long dark hair comes running in and smiles

 " Thanks " He says and smiles at me " You got your handsful " He laughs and i nod " you could say that again " I murmur, 

" what floor? " He askes and i  smile " third floor I am on my way to Brikes, Brokes and Macore." I answer and he smiles 

" I am too as well" he pushes the buttom and we wait.  the ride was short and I step out " Aww Miss Walls " Mr Macore  Or Jude like i like to call him Says walking towards me 

" here let me take something " He says reaching his hands out for kimmy she jumps into his arms with a smile, " Thank you so much Jude, Your assistant called and said you found Katies father " I Say softly and he nods. 

" Yes I am just waiting for M.r Purdy to arrive" he says as a voice from behind us says 

" I am M.r Purdy " I Look over my shoulder to see the man that had helped us in the elevator " And we are not sure if i am the father " He says and i look him up and down. Dear God  lara was not joking when she said that Ashley purdy was Katies father..   I shake my head and sigh 

" Come this way Lexis we can set JD and Kimmy up with Morgan and get this stuff done " Jade says leading me towards morgans office, Morgan was Judes Wife and a good friend of mine and lara's she helped me keep Katie after lara passed away. and then helped me find katies father so she didnt end up in Forster care..

 After setting JD up with a coloring books. i gave Kimmy her sippy and she curled up in morgans lap " They will be fine Lexis Just take care of Katie she is all we got left of lara" I nod and bite my lip to hold in the tears.  Leaving the kids with morgan i take Katie out of her car seat and walk into Jades office." Wonderful " Jade says as i walk in. he quickly moves out of his nice big office car and offers it to me with a smile. I Seat and he leans on his desk looking at M.r Purdy. " So this test will be easy Just a swip in Katies mouth and then your's M. r Purdy " Jude says and M.r Purdy nods 

" Please call me Ashley "He says looking from Jude to me and then down at katie. " how long will it take to get the test results" He asks  never taking his eyes off Katie. " 24 hours" Answers Jude with  his award winning smile.  

A lab tech comes in and smiles at me.. I hold Katies mouth open and he swips inside quickly. putting that swob up he turns to M.r Purdy and smiles, M.r Purdy opens his mouth and the tech swips inside quickly " thank you " Jude says as the tech leaves  Jude Smiles at M.r Purdy.. 

" Ok M.r Purdy i was to be straightforward with you.. This is just a technicality, If you are Katies father and you dont want to be in her life, Miss Walls here has opened her home up to katie and is willing to keep her, she has had Katie since she was born and even before then too. " Jude smiles at me and then M.r Purdy speaks softly

 " If she is my daughter of course i want to be part of her life.. But I would not dream of Ripping her away from the only home shes known so far" He says crossing his arms over his chest..

 " Well Lets discuss this when the Results come back " Jude says as he stands up , I follow suit and stand up with katie held close to me chest. Jude reaches his hands out and shakes Ashleys, Ashley then turns to me and smiles

 " Id shake your hand but they look a bit full " He says with a smile . " I am a single mother my hands are always full," I Say shifting Katie to one side i stick out my hand with a smile, " Pleasure to meet you miss walls" He says shaking it softly ..

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