Chapter Five-Suspicion

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Chapter Five-Suspicion

Thanks to all that have reviewed and dropped their opinions and ideas!

Thanks to all those who favorite and followed, I am glad that you like this fanfiction.


James Potter's point of view (or at least a scene with James in it.)

"Uhhhhh..." Sirius moaned, "Paulsen did not have to give us so much homework… was unnecessary! I'm Sirius!"

"Shut up, Padfoot. We know you're Sirius. I'm seriously getting sick of the damn joke. And really, who's to blame that we have homework in defense?" Remus glared at Sirius.

James watched his friends bicker as they headed back to the common room.

"Did you notice? Paulsen called You-Know-Who the Dark Lord. Seems awfully suspicious."

Peter rolled his eyes and grinned at James. "Really? He's like, our age!"

"You know, James has got a point. He almost called me Sirius in class today. And everyone knows that I'm like Mr. Blood Traitor Supreme. Maybe he's out to get me!" Sirius said in mock fear. "Besides, many of the Slytherin seventh years are probably death eaters," he added.

"Peter, I haven't made up my mind yet. What do you think?" The werewolf directed his attention at Peter.

"Well, I think th—hey! It's Snivellus!" Peter's cheerful voice automatically became mocking as the short boy sneered at the tall figure of Severus Snape.

"Get out of my way, Pettigrew." Severus scowled, wand hand twitching.

"I don't think so, Snape," retorted Peter. In reality, Peter was trying his hardest to appear unfazed by the menacing teenager he was speaking to.

"Haven't you got any manners, Snivellus?" James smirked and grabbed his wand. "Perhaps we should try to magic some in you, since your mother was too drunk to do it herself?"

"My. Mother. Was. Not. A. DRUNKARD!" Severus roared. "Shut your bloody traps and let me pass!"

"Looks like she gave birth to a drunken son," Sirius sniggered.

Severus gave the handsome boy a death glare.

"Watch it, pretty."

"Oh, so you're jealous!" Sirius sang. "I'll help you. I think your nose needs readjusting. I think it would look better just…a whole lot smaller than that hideous contraption that's on your face right now. Sectumsempra!"

Sirius put his wand back in his pocket, satisfied with the damage he had done.

Severus slapped one hand to the side of his face and shoved another hand into his pocket, furiously pulling out his wand and muttering a healing spell. He didn't stop to see if his spell had been successful. He turned and directed his wand at Sirius' face and sneered.

"You think you're so—" Severus never got to complete his sentence.

James flicked his wand.

There was a slight bang as Severus was dangled upside down in the air, wand on the ground below him.

"Well, we'll see who's so smart now, Snivellus." James grinned at the upside down figure.

Severus let out a string of swear words and something that sounded like "cowardly werewolf…."

"You think I'm scared of cursing you, Snape?" Lupin glared at Severus. "Because I'm not. Furnuculus!"

As Severus squealed with laughter, the Marauders took turns cursing him. Boils. Jelly legs. Sectumsempra again. For the group of boys, cursing their arch-enemy was very satisfying work.

Harry's point of view

Harry felt sick. He had truly believed that his father and his friends had changed.

Based on what he had just seen, they hadn't. Remus and countless others had told him that his father had changed, Sirius had changed, Remus had changed….but yet, here it was, living proof that they had, in fact, were still brutally cursing their enemies. Four on one. It simply was bullying, something that shouldn't be allowed.

Harry fought the urge to throw up, and thought of any possible ways to stop this. But why would his father listen to an eighteen year old kid…..who was his teacher?!

Harry had to do something, even if it meant that his father would hate him. He couldn't let this go on. He strode from the tapestry he was hiding behind and fixed a 'teacher look' on his face.

"Potter, Black, Lupin, Pettigrew, and what in Merlin's Pants are you doing?"

"Nothing, Professor." James quickly muttered the counter curse to the Levicorpus spell, and Severus fell into a heap in the floor. "We'll just leave now." The Marauders quickly started walking away.

"Not so fast boys, or should I say gentlemen? Explain yourselves."

"Snape was provoking us, sir." Sirius gave Harry his 'innocent look'.

"I don't think so, Black. I believe that you raised your wand on Mr. Snape before he harmed any of you."

"Well, then he provoked us previously."

"I know what you did to him in your fifth year, so you have no excuse. Forty points from Gryffindor."

"How would you know? You just came this year."

"I have my sources," Harry snapped.

"Yeah, and that source is the 'Dark Lord'," Sirius muttered.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing, sir, I was just talking to myself, I swear."

"You will not speak about your superiors that way, understand?"

"Yes." Sirius scowled and muttered something like, "Yeah, go help your death eater friend."

"Detention, Mr. Black, Saturday from nine in the morning until noon. Do not be late."


"No buts, Black. If you complain any further, it shall be fifty points from Gryffindor."

"Fine." Sirius spun on his heel and stalked towards his friends at the end of the corridor.

Harry turned his attention on Snape, who was currently sitting on the floor and healing the numerous gashes on his arms and legs.

"Are you alright? You should let Madam Pomfrey take a look at you."

"I'm fine. I've always been." Severus refused to look Harry in the eye.

"Really, Mr. Snape. Those gashes look serious."

"I said I'm fine. Really, sir." Snape got up after healing his last wound, and walked off.

Part of Harry wanted to drag his least favorite professor off to the Hospital Wing, but the rest of him knew that Severus was alright on his own.

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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