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"Hyejin you're feeling better right?"
"Yes i'm fine"
"Are you sure?"
I sighed into the phone.
"Yes Leehi, I'm alright"

After my whole 'episode' at work my boss kindly gave me two days for a break.
Im grateful but honestly I think working would've distracted me better, all I did was mope around and wonder if he'll forgive me.

"I asked if I could have a shift today incase you don't feel well"
I slightly smiled "Thank you but I doubt he'll ever come back to the store"

"Didn't I tell you? Seungcheol has been coming in every day since u left, checking if you were back"

"Thank you very much, I'm sorry about what happened" I bowed my head
"Now stop being so formal, just feel better alright?" Elizabeth laid her hand on my shoulder and gave me a kind smile.

She was probably the best boss ever, I wonder if all foreigners were this nice.

I returned to the counter moments later and felt the atmosphere get tense.
"Hyejin" Leehi's whisper caught my attention and I looked at to where she was looking.

He stood there, hands in pockets and a nervous expression plastered on his face.


He walked carefully and slowly to the counter.

"Hey" he shot me a small smile.
How I missed his smile.
"Can I get a bouquet of tulips please"
"I'll get it" Leehi left the counter leaving me alone with him.


I gathered my courage "L-listen I'm uh sorry about what I said"
He softly chuckled "It's fine, you were right"


"I'm actually asking her out today"
Please no.
"Oh really, that's nice.."
Don't ask her.
"Yeah I'm surprisingly not that nervous"
Don't leave me.

"Here ya go" Leehi handed him a beautiful bouquet of tulips.

He payed for the tulips and waved goodbye.

I stared at him leaving, I took in his features, from his tall frame to the tip of his nose. Because that was probably going to be the last time I would see him again.

But after he left he came back nearly a second later, pulled out a tulip out of the bouquet and handed it to me.

He grinned "wish me luck" and left. I couldn't reply the lump in my throat was too big.

I felt my eyes well up with tears.
Leehi grabbed my hand and pulled me into the empty employee room.

She didn't let go of my hand and she didn't say anything.

So I just stood there muffling my cries.
And holding on to that single Tulip.

Tulips | SeungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now