Overreaction - Matt, Mello, L

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Matt, Mello, and L overreacting to you having a minor injury.

Matt: "Damn it." you hissed, looking at the clean slice on your finger. It wasn't anything major, a tiny paper cut. It stung like hell though.
Matt had looked up from his game when he heard you curse. "You alright?" he asked, watching you closely.
You nodded, pushing back from your chair to put some Neosporin on your cut. "Just a paper cut." you said, walking towards the bathroom to get the medication.
Matt leaped up at the words cut, and slammed into you. His arms engulfed you in a tight hug, as he littered kisses across the side of your face.
"Let me see it." he said seriously, stepping away from you. He didn't even give you the chance to hand your hand over yourself, he greedily took it and pressed a kiss against the tiny cut.
"It's going to be a miracle if you survive this." he said, his tone grave.
"Matt." you said dumbfounded, "It's a paper cut." You slowly pulled your hand away, and began walking towards the bathroom again.
Matt tossed you a crooked grin as you stared at him, he followed you into the bathroom.
"Don't worry _____, I'll be by your side until you regain your health."

Mello: Mello looked up at the sound of the front door opening. He frowned at the sight of you limping into the room. "____, are you alright?" he asked, standing.
You nodded, hobbling over to the couch. You fell onto it heavily, groaning as you propped your leg up on a table.
"What happened?" Mello asked, sitting back down. His hand snaked its way around your waist as he tugged you closer, not that it made much a difference, only an inch or two.
"I tripped." you said plainly. Mello frowned again.
"On what? How? Where?" he questioned.
"A bench. I was running through the park to get back here."
"Why were you rushing back here?"
"I didn't want to miss my show." you mumbled.
Mello's frowned only deepened, as he slowly got up, finding a pillow to put your leg on. He fumbled around in kitchen for some ice.
He asked where you hurt the most and placed the bag of ice on there gently.
"Mello, I only tripped. I'll be fine." you said, waving him off of you, as he kept trying to make you more comfortable.
"Am I not allowed to help you?" he asked bitterly. "You always fuss over me when I don't need it. Let me return the favor."
You sighed, leaning your head back. "Fine."

L: "L, stop it." you hissed, swatting his hand away from your knee.
You'd been stung by a bee earlier and L wouldn't stop trying to help make it better.
You weren't allergic to bees, so there wasn't a problem there, and the pain was gone already it had been for a while.
"_____, I just want to make sure the stinger is out." L explained as if he hadn't already done the same thing seven times already.
Sighing you stood up only to have L push you back down. "No." he said sternly.
"L," you groaned. "it's only a bee sting. The stinger is gone, the pain is gone, I'm not allergic to bees, everything is fine." you explained.
"Better to be safe than sorry, wouldn't you agree?" he asked, staring at you.
"Would it make you feel better to check if the stinger is gone?"
L hesitated before answering, "Yes.."
"Fine. Go ahead and check." you said, giving in, sighing for probably the five hundredth time.

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