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-Riley P.O.V-
It was dark. Maddie was afraid of the dark.
"But it's seven in the morning! I don't understand why it's still dark!" She muttered, staring out the window.
"It's winter, Maddie," I replied. I pulled my bag over my shoulder, and held my hand out to her. "Come on. School don't wait for pussies."
Maddie frowned at me, but took my hand.
I led her out of the door, and we both tip toed down the road. I could feel Maddie's fear, but shook my head at it. "What do you expect to happen? You think we'll be attacked by the old pervert next door?"
"I don't know..." Maddie muttered, twisting her blonde hair with her spare hand.
"Jesus, it's cold as shit," I said, squinting my eyes ahead.
"You shouldn't use God's name in vain," Maddie said sarcastically.
"If you wanna praise God, you can go do it with the African kids who are- oh wait, dying."
"I know God's a dick, I don't need you lecturing me again. Seriously- where the fuck is school, it's not even getting brighter..."
"We're here for fuck's sake, get over it," I gestured to the front of the school, as if it was my personal treasure.
"LIGHT!" Maddie cried, running towards it.
"Maths! Fucking hooray..." I muttered from behind. We both entered through the main gate, and made our way to our form.

Everyone would most likely be bitchier than normal, as we all had our picture taken yesterday, and apparently everyone's ugly.
"Bitch give me the fooood..." Holly moaned, climbing on top of the table toward Sophie.
"Fuck off! This is my lunch!" Sophie shouted back, attempting to fend her off with a chair.
"Has anyone studied for the Spanish exam?" Lucy asked, shoving multiple books in front of her face.
"Guys, look at this selfie I just took," Amelia boasted, handing her phone around like pass the parcel. I walked right past them all, and began gathering the books I'd need for today's lessons from my locker.
"Hey Maddie, did you get a haircut?" I heard Holly ask. I looked over to see that multiple girls were holding strands of Maddie's hair that was flowing softly down her shoulders.
"No, she just pulled her hair out and it magically looked nice," I said, sighing. The bell suddenly went, and everyone either finished revising or eating.
"I'll see you at break," I said to Maddie, as I headed to maths.
"Can you buy me lunch?" Maddie called out.
"Nope!" I shouted, laughing.

-Maddie P.O.V-
After I'd finished my English lesson, I was already drained. I was done with school, and we were only just back from Christmas break.
Suddenly my phone went off, and luckily I was in the hallway instead of in lesson.
"Shit..." I muttered, quickly getting out my phone. It was a text message, from an unknown number.

Fine, I'll buy you lunch.

"Riley, you shouldn't text me in school," I said, shaking my head at my phone. "But who's phone is she using...did she leave her's at home?" I shrugged it off, and put my phone back in my pocket. Then, unexpectedly, it went off again.

It's outside the school, by the gates. Run fatty, run for your food. ;)

"What the fuck?" I said, confused.
Riley wouldn't do something like this...is someone else in on this thing? And how did they know that I asked Riley to buy me lunch?
I walked outside, and headed for the front gates. And there it was...a ham sandwich, with a tiny bit of smoked cheese.
My favourite.

I entered the form, holding the sandwich in my hand. Shortly after, Riley entered after me
"So, you found your lunch?" She asked, laughing.
"It was you then? I thought some creep had just randomly given me a sandwich," I replied.
"Well, I'm the only one who knows your favourite."
"Yeah, yeah," I said, admitting that I had overreacted.

-Riley P.O.V-
I hid Maddie's lunch in her locker this morning!
Fucking genius.
"What you planning today?" I asked, walking up to Maddie. I held my hands up, and she placed her palms against them. It was this weird thing we starting doing, but it was more of a habit now.
"I'm pretty fed up of school...you wanna take a break?" Maddie said, grinning.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I replied. Maddie raised her eyebrows at me, and we both headed to the window. Holly approached us, her arms crossed.
"Are you bunking off again?"she said, sighing.
"Holly, can you not see the situation? Maddie has a serious headache from English. She needs a break from this shithole," I said.
"You guys..." She muttered.
"...Are cool as shit?" Maddie asked. Then we both glanced at each other, and spoke together.
"Fuck yeah we are."

-Maddie P.O.V-
Riley climbed down first, like she normally did. Riley was quite flexible, and was stronger than me. She hung off the window sill, then swung herself onto the pole opposite. Then, using the bricks, make her way down.
"Awesome..." I muttered, watching in awe.
"Throw me the shit!" She called out. I threw her the bag we always took with us. It held all the things we snuck out with- money, food, and phones. Phones were life, you see.
"Ok, you coming?" Riley called out.
"Well, sneaking out by yourself would be pretty fucking lame," I said back, laughing. I copied her exact moves, and landed next to her.
"Let's get the fuck of here," I said, smiling.
I wrote this as a thing for me and my friend but if somehow people have managed to find it hi I am Alana and I am a nerd that basically hasn't got a life to talk about so YAYA WELCOME TO MEH BOOK! Xx

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