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-Maddie P.O.V-
Five more texts.
Riley and I were both making our way to school together, even though Riley wouldn't be coming in with me.
"You're still scared of the dark, even when we have this fucker to worry about?" Riley asked, smirking.
"Just shut up and keep walking," I replied, annoyed. I could see the school already- I didn't live far.
"I have my dance lesson at six," I added. "You want to come?"
"And watch you fuck up again? No thanks," Riley replied.
"It's not my fault! It's just...I'm waiting for my dancing skill to blossom," I sung, smiling.

Once we reached school, Riley held her hand out.
"Maddie...give me your phone," She ordered.
"M-My phone? Why would I-" I stopped, after I realised the obvious answer. "Riley, you shouldn't be looking into this-"
"I'm not," she said. "I just don't want you having it in school. Or you reading those texts alone."
"But that won't stop you from reading them alone," I replied.
"But I can handle myself," she said.
"Is that what you thought yesterday?" I asked, angry. She stared at me with slight surprise.
"Riley, I can't rely on you for everything. A little text isn't going to drive me crazy, okay?" I added, assuring her. I gave her a quick hug, before turning to leave.
"Just- remember, he can't hurt you," Riley muttered quickly. I smiled, and nodded.
"Yeah yeah, I know," I said, entering school.

-Riley P.O.V-
Why the fuck did I get myself suspended, this is boring as hell...
I laid across Maddie's sofa, throwing a ball up and down. I literally couldn't entertain myself. Nothing took my interest. I started thinking about the texts. And because of the type of person I am, I went deep into the future. What would happen in a month. Two.
I quickly sat up, and hurried to the computer. As soon as it logged on, I typed into the computer a holiday site. It arranged holidays based on quality and price. I searched, for what was supposed to be minutes but soon became hours. I went through Maddie's stuff in her room, and managed to find every penny she owned. Then I counted both of our funds, to see what we could afford. We lived in the UK, and there was a small house in Devon that never gets rented. It would be available at any time. But it was still over our budget, if you included basic needs we would have to pay for. I took a picture of the house then switched off the computer. Straight after, I made my way to her parent's room and stole £50 out of her mother's purse. Maddie'd father transfers hundreds into her account every day, and she gets it out of an ATM on the way home from work. She would never notice. I decided that I would do this every day during my suspension, so by the end of it I would have £1,000. More than enough- if we ever needed it. Me and Maddie's money could be used as a food supply, and to pay the bills. I slipped the money into an envelope, and tucked it behind the computer.
I knew I was thinking ahead, but it wouldn't hurt. I had figured out yesterday that we probably can't beat this, so I'll do everything I can to help us run from it. Then I called my brother, to plan something I hoped I'd never have to. We'd eventually have to meet him.

-Maddie P.O.V-
The school bell rang through the corridors and into the classrooms, signalling that it was now lunch time. In seconds the hallways swarmed with students, most of them heading to their form room to bitch about their teachers or another girl. I followed the rest of my form, lonely. You can't blame me- Riley's not here. And no-one was else was really good enough to talk to.
I have high standards.
"Hey Maddie, is Riley still suspended?" Holly asked me. I nodded, laughing.
"She's...staying at my house for now," I replied.
"And your mum's okay with that? Man, you two are so close," she said.
"Yeah, I guess we are," I muttered. I stared down at the floor. She looked at me with slight concern.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine, don't worry about it," I assured. "I'll see you later." I turned and began to walk the other way. I made my way outside, and to the back of the school where Riley and I had hung out on the day before her suspension. I sat down, and got out my phone. I still hadn't checked the messages from this morning, so only added to the three I'd received during my first four lessons. That gave me eight lovely texts to enjoy reading.

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