Chapter 2: And Then there were Two

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           "Hurry up! We need to get back to Sam and Cassandra." I said waiting for Adam to catch up to me as I was jogging and he was just dozing off into space.
      "I don't know why your in such a hurry. All we have is less important things. Take this shovel for example." He waved the shovel in his hands.
      "We could hit the creeps with it. Or even dig tunnels if the situation arose." I said looking ahead.
       "Which it won't." He shot back. I gave him a glare but didn't say anything. I was too worried that something happened. I had a bad feeling about this.
         "Sam! Cassandra! We're almost there!" I yelled to the trees. There was no response. I heard a rustle in the bushes. "Sam? Is that you?" I asked. No response. I walked toward the bush, reaching my hand out to move it.
         "Ema! Wait! Let's me do it." He told me. For once he was being a kind gentleman, like I need one of those. He moved the bush with his arm. I couldn't  see anything, he walking in the bush without making a sound and disappeared.
           "Oh my god!" He screamed.
           "Adam? What's wrong?" I was frantic, I jumped through the bush and saw what he saw. I almost threw up. It was Cass. Two creeps were feeding on her intestines and neck. Her emotionless face, her dead eyes. Adam dropped to his knees screaming.
              "CASS!!! NO!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. The creeps turned to look at him. I took out my knife and killed them. Blood was splattered all over my shirt and vest. I stopped to think. Where is Sam?!
               "SAM?! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I yelled. There was no response. I can't believe this. First Eliza, then my brother, now Sam?! There has to be a pattern. Sam and Joseph were probably taken by the same person maybe even Eliza! When I find this son of a bitch he's gonna pay for what he's done. He probably caused Cassandra's death. I wish she hadn't of died. She would know who it is right? I mean if Sam and her were together when it happened. He'll pay.


                "CASS!!! NO!!" I screamed. My only friend that I've had for all of my life was now dead. She was the on my person I had left. I was crying. I never cry. GET IT TOGETHER ADAM!! We don't have time for this, focus,f focus, focus. Just figure out who did this and kill them... I suddenly snapped out of my daze to see Ema walking around calling for Sam at the top of her lungs. Suddenly she turned to look into the woods,
        " He kidnapped her..." Ema muttered  "she was dragged, probably knocked out..."
       "Ema what the hell are you talking about?!" I asked her.
       "See the marks? Adam, my brother and possibly Eliza was taken by this person. All we have to do is follow these tracks and it'll lead straight to Joseph, if he's alive..." She explained.
         "But how far could he be by now? I mean we have no idea when this happened." I asked.
          "We haven't been gone for that long. They have somewhat close." She suggested.
          "We should rest. At least then we can fight better if we have to." I told her.
       "Adam you don't seem to understand how serious this is," Ema replied "this now not only my brother anymore but my best friend too. I'm not going to sit around and do nothing when I have a good lead on where they are!!" Ema had started to pace while she ranted.

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