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They reached the top of the hill and Effie stood there too awestruck to move. Her big brown eyes tried to absorb all the beauty of the scenery unfolding beneath her. They all stood near a pine tree, Effie thought she saw Percy touching the tree and saying "Hi Thalia" but she wasn't sure so she just ignored him. She could see a big house and farther some other smaller buildings down the valley. A river was flowing across the Camp ending up in a lake.

"Wow!" she said in awe. "Do you guys live here?" she asked looking in the boys' direction. They had started going down but they stopped when they noticed that Effie wasn't with them. Now they were patiently waiting for her to finish looking around.

"Yes" Percy responded. "But not all of us. There is another Camp, Camp Jupiter. It's for the Demigods who have Roman Gods as their parents. Frank is the leader there; and the other is Reyna. She should be somewhere around Camp Half-Blood right now." He explained.

"Camp Jupiter is closed because of..." Frank started. He seemed to regret saying it so he added, "Never mind, it's closed for now so all Demigods, Greek and Roman, are here". Effie wanted to ask Frank what was going on but the boys started going down and Effie could do nothing but follow them.

As they reached the bottom of the hill, they walked towards the big house which Effie suspected was the place where the leader lived. When they came closer, she saw a brown-haired girl looking out of the window. She must have noticed them because she said something to the other people in the house and in less than a second six girls burst out of the door.

"So you didn't mess things up that much this time?" a girl with caramel hair teased. Effie immediately decided that, that girl had some guts opposing five boys at the same time. And she quickly learned why as Leo responded:

"Oh... come on sunshine! We're not that bad you know. We just lack confidence. Effie here can confirm that we were awesome. Weren't we?" Effie became conscious that they were a couple, Leo and the caramel-headed girl. It took a minute for her to realize they were addressing her, so she responded with her voice shaking:

"I... Yes they were amazing. They found me sitting near the river Hudson."

"You can say without any hesitation that they sucked. We'll defend you if needed." A girl with blond hair about Percy's age said laughing.

"Hey, that hurt!" Frank responded pretending to be misunderstood.

"Guys, we hadn't even introduced ourselves! I'm Hazel Levesque by the way, daughter of Pluto. I'm Nico's half-sister and I normally live at Camp Jupiter." Effie studied the girl who spoke. She was younger than the others, about her age, maybe a year older, but she acted comfortably around them like they have been together in many adventures. She had brown hair, the color of cinnamon and she was dark-skinned. Effie sensed that something was going on with her and Frank by the way they looked at each other. They were probably dating.

"Yes, I utterly forgot. My name is Annabeth Chase and I'm the daughter of Athena the goddess of wisdom." The blond girl added.

The remaining girls introduced themselves. Piper, daughter of Aphrodite and possibly dating Jason, was the one whom Effie saw at the window, Reyna was the daughter of Bellona, the war goddess and, as she explained, Praetor at Camp Jupiter. Her black hair was nicely braided and placed at her shoulder and an aura of leadership and power surrounded her. The girl called 'sunshine' by Leo was Calypso and Effie was surprised to learn that she was the original Calypso, the immortal goddess who had been trapped on the island of Ogygia. She explained that Leo helped her get out and she had lost her immortality now. The one who spoke last was a girl with frizzy red hair. She said that she was not a demigod but a mortal who could see through the Mist. The boys had explained to Effie that the Mist was some kind of aura hiding the demigod world from the mortals. She then added that she was elected by the God Apollo himself to host the spirit of the Oracle. She didn't say anything else and Effie in spite of having lots of questions decided not to ask anything yet.

"Hey! I forgot to ask who your godly parent is." Annabeth stated.

"Oh yeah I forgot that I hadn't told you yet." Effie answered. "I was claimed by Poseidon when I killed those gorgons."

"That means Percy has a little sister now!" Piper and Reyna said in unison.

"I'm not little. I'm thirteen" Effie protested and the others chuckled.

"So now that we've introduced each other let's eat something. My stomach is loudly protesting right now." Leo said while patting his belly. Everyone laughed and followed Leo to the Dining Pavilion exchanging their stories.

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