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Effie was lost. She looked around the forest but all the trees were the same, nothing to point she was going the right way.

When she first came into the woods, the light disappeared. She didn't even know what time it was out there. Taking a guess, it was 8 o'clock in the evening. Not a nice time to be alone in a forest, she thought bitterly.

At first, she could hear the voices of some other Demigods shouting her name, but she hid and ran deeper into the forest. She was sure she was walking in circles when she heard the sound of a river. She ran towards the sound and soon was in front of a river. It wasn't deep, about knee-length. She took of her shoes and socks and stepped in the water.

The water was freezing cold but she didn't mind. She felt safe there, like she was home.

She heard the sound at the last moment. If it was a microsecond later she would be dead. She turned around quickly afraid it was a monster and deep inside hoping it was Percy. It was neither of the two.

Because of lack of light, she only spotted a guy with a sword in his hand nearly a meter away from her. She couldn't make out anything else because at that moment the boy attacked her.

Effie screamed and was only saved by her ADHD. She threw herself to her right and the sword missed her for just a few inches. At that moment Effie realized she was unarmed. She cursed under her breath and turned to face the boy. He was observing her closely.

Effie's first thought was to run, but she discarded it immediately. She had nowhere to go and she was quite sure that he was expecting her to try to escape. Then she looked at the water floating around her feet. What if I try to do the same things I did to the gorgons, she thought.

"Looks like you're a recruit" the boy spoke. "You don't even have a weapon with you." He laughed harshly, as if he was teasing her. "It would be easier than I thought."

Effie was sure of two things now. First, she hated that guy who behaved like he wanted to kill her and second, she would try to raise a wave like previously. She didn't respond to what he said, she just moved her legs, ready to run.

He didn't seem to notice her change of position. He just smiled in an evil way and attacked again.

Effie was ready this time. She avoided him once more and she felt the flow of the river under her feet. She imagined it rise and fall on the boy's back, knocking him down.

It happened as she had pictured it and the boy fell to the ground. His hood fell off his head and she saw that he had blond hair. His backpack was torn because he had fallen on a rock. Effie expected more knives and weapons to fall out and was surprised to realize that the bag was full of pillow pets.

A few seconds passed as Effie and the Pillow-pet-guy were staring each down. She didn't care why the boy was shocked but she was mostly taken aback by his teddy bears, most of which were torn into pieces.

Just then, Effie heard a boy shouting her name and was relieved to recognize Percy. She turned her head and saw him about 200 meters away running in her direction, Annabeth, Frank and Calypso at his side. At some point she observed that the boy was standing up and running away in the opposite direction.

Nico suddenly appeared from the shadows, held her and whispered in a calming voice:

"Everything's okay now. You're safe".

Then everything went blank and she felt herself falling.

Being a Demigod (Percy Jackson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now