Chapter 10

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"Kris hyung~!" Tao exclaims happily, running after the tall, broad male.

Kris doesn't answer or stop or even show that he heard the younger, he continues to walk, quickening his pace if anything.

Tao frowns, confused before quickening his pace to catch up with the older. Usually when he does that, Kris turns around to face him with a grin and open arms and Tao would run into them.

"Kris hyung?" Tao tries again, this time standing right behind Kris.

Again, Kris doesn't answer or show any reaction.

"What's wrong?" Tao asks, confused.

Kris stops and Tao taps on his shoulder gently, repeating his question. Finally, Kris turns around with a sigh and Tao can see the lines of tiredness and stress on his face.

"Are you okay?" Tao asks, genuinely worried.

Kris nods and brushes him off. "Yes, I'm okay. Go pack up."

"P-Pack...?" Tao asks, confused.

"Yes. You're going back to heaven soon," Kris answers, his voice flat.

"That's... That's in a few days though," Tao says quietly.

"Go pack," Kris says before walking away from the appalled younger.

Tao opens his mouth to call after him before thinking better of himself by closing his mouth and walking away. He walks to his room to pack the few things he brought, already folded and practically in his bag already. He doesn't bother going to look for the almighty devil because he might as well get used to being without him, he thinks.

In a second, Tao on his knees in front of his bag, the door bursts open. Tao's head whips around, expecting to see Kris but instead, it's his worst nightmare. Standing there are Taemin and Minseok, watching him with cold, narrowed eyes.


Kris turns up the volume of the song, hoping to drown out the other noises from the others when one sound rises above them all and Kris can't hold on anymore. He rips his earphones out of his ears and leaves his phone long forgotten on the floor as he marches over to where the devils have crowded.

Kris pushes through, not caring about anyone as he forces his way to the front, not even hesitating as he uses his powers to throw both Taemin and Minseok away, not caring where they land as he focuses on the cowering angel on the ground, practically helpless as his limbs are tied together.

In a second, Kris is by his side, freeing the angel.

"You came..." the voice says, broken and rough.

"Of course I came..." he murmurs.

"You said you weren't always going to be here," he whispers.

"I'm your guardian angel, it's my job to protect you," he whispers. "And I love you."


I'd really appreciate it if you could tell all of your friends who like Taoris and/or Hunhan to please check this out~! Thank you~~

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