Facing the truth

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Scarlet's P.O.V.

We were in the kitchen stuffing our faces with the delicious food that, Maura made and it was good. But nothing will ever top my dad's cooking. Nothing I tell you.

“So Cloud, what do you say are we going to the park or not?”

“Absolutely not, it's almost midnight what if-” Cloud's aunt was yapping then I interrupted her

“Hahaha really, I'm sure you now were I come from, I'll be perfectly fine and Cloud will too, she picked up a few moves”

“Yeah don't be a party pooper, Madison” Cloud said annoyed

Cloud and I stood up to go but Madison just couldn't leave us alone. She pulled a gun out on Cloud “You're not going any where”

“Really you had to pull a gun out in another home, really. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Oh darling there are many things wrong with me, so stop complaining. There are also many things wrong with you, for example, you are incapable or love and when you do love those people get hurt. You have built your walls so high up that no one can get in. You're cold and heartless. You can't fins love, those you meet always hurt you. And the biggest of all, is that you let you dad and brother die, while you just watched it happen”

“Enough, okay. I couldn't do anything about that now, I was chained and forces to watch. And when I did get out it was too late. So shut the fuck up okay? Honestly geez, and yeah I am those things you said, and all those things you said about me are true.” I wasn't really mad cause everyone brings up my dad and brother, so I didn't really give a shit about what she had to say, my eyes were black. I walked up closer to Madison, she knew what I was going to do, she knew my fighting style she had seen me fight in the cage one to many times. She new my tricks but she didn't now all. She shoved Cloud out of the way and pointed the gun at me. She wasn't going to fire, she was too much of a coward, I should now I was in this same position a few months age when she got mad that I had won the match instead of the hulking giant she had bet $2,000 on. So she threatened me and she never followed through with it. And if she did shoot me, it's not like it really mattered, I'm already covered in scars anyway. I kept walking towards her, I had to walk around the table cause jumping on it and walking across it is very wrong to do since it's not my table.

“You now I should've pulled the trigger a long time ago, that way your actual mother would tell me what I wanted to now.

“What do you mean my actual mother?”

“OH so she didn't tell you she had a twin sister then. How very typical.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, my mother shot me and left us, I never saw her again”

“Oh darling, that wasn't your actual mother, her sister kidnapped your mother and she was the one to beat you and shoot you. Your actual mother is still alive, her sister passed a year ago. You should see her, begging for me to leave you alone, to not hurt you. She even offered that I take her life instead of yours. It's very touching, because I tell her how much you hate her for what she did to you in the past and her heart shatters a little more every day.”

Oh my gosh my mother is alive and, she didn't do all those horrible things, I need to find her, and get her back. I had reached were Madison was standing, I was at arms reach away from her.

“Go on pull the trigger, here I’ll make it easier for you” I said while grabbing her had and pointing the gun to my heart. You could tell she dumb founded and she didn't expect me to do that. I was right she wouldn't pull the trigger she was too weak. I grabbed her hand and chicken winged her, making her drop the gun. I kicked her knees so she would sink to the floor, then pushed her down, and I stood on her since I didn't have another way to hold her down. I bent over to grab the gun, I pointed it to her head, unlike her I would pull the trigger, but not a kill shot a warning shot in the arm or leg.

“Now you tell me were my real mother is or you'll be eating be eating lead”

Back at the house

Perrie's P.O.V.

“What why did you end it?”

“Um... because we found out about his past, and we didn't want to be dragged into it.” Jesy said

“I know we shouldn't have left him, we shouldn't had let his past be the judge of the future, we should've over looked it” Jade added. I sighed, you could tell that they still loved him, and maybe he did too. “You know what, you guys are going to talk this out, okay? Maybe you won't get him back but he deserves an explanation, he must've been heart broken. I'll go and get him, you two wait here and if you leave I'll have Scarlet track you down and drag you back here, got it?” They both nodded.

Travis' P.O.V.

I was pacing around in Simon's room probably driving him crazy. What was I going to do, I didn't even now what I did wrong to make them leave. Am tried to talk me back into going out and living life for the past 2 weeks after the break up with Jesy, finally I did and that's when I met Jade.


I was wandering around near a park outside of the town, when I started to get thirsty so I went to the nearest Starbucks. I was behind a girl who apparently had forgotten her wallet, and wasn't able to pay

Don't worry love I'll pay for it. Just add it to my order” She gave me a thankful look, like as if I just saved her life. I just nodded not wanting to get involved again. I placed my order and payed, thank god my sister had let me borrow $50. I was broke as fuck and I promised to pay hr back she just shock her head and said that family doesn't need to pay back unless it's revenge. I picked up my order and headed to the farthest booth away from the door, I was staring at my drink that I hadn't noticed the girl standing in front of me.

May I sit with you?” The question took my by surprise, but I had said yes. At the end we exchanged numbers and she made me promise that we would hang out again.

End of flashback

I sighed and smiled, bumping into Jesy was different, she had accidentally bumped into me while she was carrying 2 hot as hell itself coffees, I wouldn't have mined by they dripped down to a certain area and burned like hell. She offered to take me out to a Nandos to make up for it. I smiled at both the memories. Through out my 17 years I had only had 3 girlfriends, unfortunately my first girlfriend had to leave to Cali, and I couldn't handle the long distance so we broke it off. I remember Am saying that if anyone hurt me they would pay, and she vowed to find Jade and Jesy. Oh gosh I just hope she had forgotten about it. And even though she was there for me, for the heart break I was never with her. And strangely enough I was the weaker one, but she was always the one to get hurt instead of me.

“Travis come on were going downstairs to talk this out” Perrie said snapping my out of my thoughts

Shit just what I was trying to avoid.

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