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Harry’s P.O.V.

“Hey guys have you heard from Niall or Scarlet?”

“No, I haven’t” They all answered

“Where could they be? Sam’s coming home today, i don’t want to tell her that Scarlet’s missing. It was crush her feelings.” I said

“I know, it would suck badly” Louis added

“Hey guys Sam just texted me and said that Scarlet's mum is coming over for dinner!” Liam said

Aww crap double trouble.

“Everyone call and text Niall and Scarlet we have to find out where they are at all costs.” I said. We all started typing away on our phones, i even texted Travis, which i haven’t heard from or seen since Scarlet told him that she had Leukemia.

To: Travis

Hey have you heard from Scarlet she ran away and we have no idea of where she is, please get back to me as soon as possible

A few minutes later i got a reply

From Travis:

What do you mean she’s missing?!


She’s missing, as in gone, not here. She never came back after she told you about … well you know.

From Travis:

Oh… and you haven’t heard from her at all?

To Travis:

No that’s why I’m asking if you know where she is. Duh.

From Travis:

Oh well sorry jeez. But no i haven’t heard from her. Bye

Well jeeh Captain rude over here.

I continued to spam Niall, damn why wouldn’t he reply

“I got a reply!” Zayn shouted

We all ran over to him, and crowded him.

From Niall

To: Zayn

Hey Zayn, can’t really talk right now. I’m kinda busy.


From: Zayn

Seriously man, we’re worried sick about you! Just tell us where you are

That’s it, Niall didn’t reply after that. I just threw my hands up in frustration. Could this get any worse?

*ding dong*

Ugh, who could it be? I walked over to the door and opened it.

“Why hello there Harold, may i come in?”

Of course of all people to show up it had to be her. Why couldn’t it have been the pizza man.

“Uh yeah, come on in Ms.Maddox” I said while moving away from the door allowing Scarlet’s mum to enter my domain.

“Thanks Harold. So where is Scarlet?”

PANIC PANIC what do i say, i don’t want to lie, because then it’ll blow up and yeah. Ummmm what do i say.

“She’ll be here in a bit, she and Niall left to go some where. Please have a seat”

She sat in the love seat, this couldn’t be more awkward. The silence seemed to drag on for an eternity, when in reality it couldn’t have been more than 30 minutes. Suddenly the door burst open with what seemed like a drunk Niall and Scarlet walking in. Rather loudly might i add. I took a closer look at them and they were  filthy, dirt covering their jeans and shirts. It was like they had been rolling around in the dirt. Two puppies ran in just as filthy. You could hear 2 other male voices in the background. Scarlet’s mum tensed upon hearing them. Oh gosh what had they gotten themselves into.

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