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Travis' P.O.V.

2 months, she has been in a coma for 2 months. Since Sam had to move to the U.K. During this time, we moved her to a local hospital there. I've been here every day, not wanting to leave her side in case she wakes up. Lou and Sam visit as frequently as they can, since they have jobs, they can only stay for a few hours. I won't deny it, I cried when I first saw her it broke my heart that my little sister had to go through more shit. I don't know what was going on in her head but it must've been quite bad because in the 3rd day she started crying. She was chocking back sobs as if she didn't want anyone to know. All I know is that she finally cracked, her walls had crumbled down, and fallen. The Horan family also can and visited while we were in Ireland, saying that they were grateful that she had saved there little boys life, they also said that they wish that she had not been shot and stab. Gosh I hope she wakes up soon.. I don't think I can handle not being threatened by her, not giving her piggy back rides when she was drunk and thought that I was a unicorn, not trying to sneak cookies and nutella and bacon from her without her finding it. Niall also came by and visited everyday before he had to go to tour, this tour was surprisingly short only 6 months. I was sitting next to her bed when I deiced to talk to her, maybe it would speed up the process of her waking up.

“Hey Am, remember when we pulled that prank on Alec and we dyed her hair bright pink, and then to get you back her dies your hair neon green, saying that way you 2 would match, then he dyed my hair neon purple. Or when we went camping in the woods and we found a baby bird that had fallen out of the nest, so you and I raised the little birdie. Hahaha you named it Bobert. And when you found those puppies, and you brought them into the house, and tried to keep the secret from dad, you new that you would get in soo much trouble but you still took care of them, and when he did find them you took full blame and told him that you wouldn't let them die in the streets and as punishment he had to eat you iced sugar cookies in front of you.” I felt my hand being squeezed, “Oh my gosh you can hear me? Oh my gosh thank god. Please Am please come back to us, I don't like seeing you like this, it hurts. And please don't be mad at me but, I – I saw you cry. Why, what happened please Am please” I begged, lowering my head, tears slipping out. It must have been bad if she cried. “Oh Am Cloud came by but she had to leave because she was accepted in that movie she auditioned for, she said that she wants you to be able to watch the movie, and that she was going to take you to the red carpet premier. She got the part of Tres in Divergent. I asked her if it was a big deal and she slapped me and said 'yess duh you idiot, you're lucky I like you or else you would be hurt right now' then she left. I actually like her too, like more than a friend. I love her beautiful green eyes that compliment her tan skin. And I find it cute that she's kinda short.” I looked back up to see my sister staring back at me. I broke into more tears, her hand came up and wiped them away, she sat up and started pulling the I.V. And the other cords from her, I handed her a pair of cloths that Sam had packed. She got off the bed and walked over to the bathroom, cloths in hand. She wasn't stabbed she was carved in her back going from her left shoulder to her right hip. You could see it throught the cloth. No wounder she lost a lot of blood. She walked out and looked at me. She grabbed the bag that I had bought, and walked out of the door.

“Am wait were not in Ireland anymore.”

“I know I'm not stupid, and in was able to hear everything that everybody said, I know the address.”

“Wait if you heard everything than you heard Niall say they he lo--”

“Yes I did hear him say that”

“Well do you feel the same way?”

“I think so-- I kinda did when he told me the first time, but I though it was a lie, I guess I was wrong.”

“Ooooo, I need the details, tell meehhhhh!!”

“Hahaha you sound like a teenage girl, okay but you're going to tell me about Cloud. Okay so I was getting ready to go to dinner with his Dad and brother, and he came in, and he put my bracelet on and we were standing really close and he kissed me, and it felt right in a way, his lips were soo soft, and then he told me he loved, and I told him he deserves better and yeah, then I heard him come into the room, and he grabbed my hand and he said that he loved me no matter what happened and yeah” She finished with a smile in her face, I'm glad she's happy. Let's just hope she lets him in.

“So are you going to let him in, or are you going to seal him out.”

She looked over at me “I- I'm not sure, I think I'm going to let him in. While I was in a coma, I had this really weird dream were I was with, dad and Alec, and they said that I needed to let he walls down that I couldn't keep people out because I was doing it to keep them from getting hurt, but they said that I was hurting them by not letting them in. And a whole bunch of other stuff, and he told my that it was okay to cry, that I needed to let it all out, so I did. And I'm going to start over, I'm going to let people in. I'm going to try” She finished, so that's why she was crying. Now I had to tell her about Cloud, sigh.

“Okay so about Cloud,” She turned and looked at me she was grinning like Cheshire cat from Alice in wounder land. “I really do like her, I've liked her since she came over for the sleepover when we were 8. But I never told her cause I didn't think she felt the same way. I fell for her eyes and her smile and I – I don't know what to do”

“Dude just tell her, she's had a crush on you since she was 5. Jeez like Nike says, Just do it”

“Hahaha okay I will, so since I told you why I love her, you have to tell me why you love Niall”

“Ugh fine you munchkin. I fell for his eyes and his smile and his personality. And his love of food. I love how his hair is the perfect balance of brown and blonde. And – I fell mostly because he sees past all the scars and tattoos, that was the deal breaker”

We walked back to our new home, her room was freakin awesome. Okay so the bed was inclosed by 2 walls and a book case. It's like a little room. And in there in a small closet since she hates having big closets, and a mini fridge. Then if you walk out there's a ladder that leads you above the bed, and that's were her drums, guitars and piano are. There's also a small desk and a computer. Then the rest o f the room has a small bar, a sofa, coffee table. It's epic. It was, black, red, and purple and green. The way they painted it was so cool the colors didn't seem out of place. She also had a insuite bathroom. I think that Sam, and Lou were home, and Tom was at work. Oh my gosh I can't wait. We walked in and saw that Sam and Lou were pacing around, Am let the bag drop and went to give them both a bear hug. Wow she was changing and I was glad she was letting people into her life. She pulled away with a smile on her face, but Lou and Sam had a sad look in their face,

“What's wrong?”

“Scarlet, after the accident, police went out to look for your kidnapped mother. They found her in an abounded ware house in the forest. She's demanding that we give her full custody over you and, she-- she- she wants to take you away from us”

“Nope that's not going to happen cause I'm not going to let her, she may be my mother but she was gone for 12 years, I'm not going with her right away. So she can chill her tits, cause they're slapping everyone in the face. I'm staying with you guys, whether you like it or not.” Am finished.

That's when she stepped out of the hallway.

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