chapter 2

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                                                                 CHAPTER TWO JACK FROST

If you were Jack frost you would need to have a transportation device to travel around (obviously) and it would have to be fast enough so no one could see you but it would have to be slow enough for you to be able to make mist and ice and snow and to put it down before you leave for the next house. You would have to be able to go around half the world in about 12 hours or less. You would have to be able to make this device yourself with no help because otherwise your identity would be spread.If your identity was spread people who believe your hair was white may be right or wrong.If your identity was spread the people who thought your hair was white may become bullied or bullies.If your identity was spread you wouldn't be able to go back to having a secret about what clothes you wear,what colour your hair is,how much money you have and where you live because if you tried to change these things someone would have to be involved.If your identity was spread some people would loose faith in you because of the colour of your skin.Just imagine all those people who thought you were white would loose faith and if you were white than what about all those people who thought you were white.Even if you change your identity to what other myths say you look like there is always gonna be someone out there who believes your something else and what about all those other people believe there is no jack frost what would they do? I bet they would beat you with sticks until their right that there isn't any jack frost. But then their would be a fight on who steps in your place.You would just start world war three so if you were jack frost there is big responsibilities laying in your hand so you wouldn't be fun and that means Disney is wrong so you really have to think on how you can get everybody  to have their way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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