Sept 1st, 1991

40 1 1

Ok so just to let you know this Draco is a mix of book Draco, movie Draco and AVPM (a very potter musical) Draco!


Hello. I am Draco Lucius Malfoy. Ummmm I write my feelings down on paper sometimes but it's ok because when I do I do it evilly. My hair is worth 10000000 dollars and I punched a kid in the face one time. I bet it was awesome for him. All the teachers here are probably sad because I'm so awesome and they have to deal with my awesomeness except for professor snape. He knows what's up.

Anyways today I asked Harry Potter to be my friend. He said no. How could he? I said it so smoothly. This is what I said.

Hello. I am a bully, I despise gingers and mudbloods. I hate gryffindor house and my parents work for the man who killed your parents would you like to be my friend?

And he said never!!! How could he? And the orange one with the mudblood girlfriend agreed with him. I told him my father would here about this and he said he did not care. So I walked away awesomely and left them to think about what they've done.

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