League of Legends

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The first DM I got was one about league of legends so here it is!

The Gypsy threw down his cards, a Royal Flush.

Graves spat out his whiskey, drenching the table with alcohol. "Bullshit! how do you always get a winnin' hand Tobias?" The outlaw wiped his mouth, pushing his mountain of chips into the centre of the table.

Twisted Fate grinned, even though Graves was his partner, he loved to see the gunman squirm. "They call me the Card Master for a reason ol' pal". Graves swore under his breath, trudging away to the casino bar.

Vi and Sivir pushed their considerably shorter piles of chips towards him, neither of them showed the agression of Malcom however. "Sometimes I don't even remember why I bother playing against you." The Piltover Enforcer said, taking up her glass of tea. He smiled, leaning his cowboy boots on the table. The money was good, sure, but hanging out with his closest friends at the Institute's casino was all the sweeter.

Sivir tapped his boot, attracting the gypsy's attention. "So, Tobias. How do you get those perfect hands? I'd expect you and Graves were equals". He laughed hard at the words, pulling out a fat cigar and a ornate, engraved lighter. He lit the end, letting the smoke drift towards the fans.

"He may be good, but I was raised by dice and card, ain't met anybody who can beat me". He looked up, seeing the outlaw return from the bar, whiskey in hand. "Relax partner, what's mine is yours" he said casually. Graves sneered, snatching the lit cigar from Twisted Fate's hand.

"Then I guess you won't mind me taking your fancy cigar". He chewed on the cigar, breathing a sigh of relief. Vi and Tobias both laughed, Sivir glanced up, then contiuned placing her winnings into her satchel.

Braum swatted away the tendrils of smoke, he did not gamble or drink, but being with friends was all that really mattered to him. "Has anyone seen Miss Leona? She has been gone for some time now".

Twisted Fate scratched his beard thoughtfully, "Your right Braum, it's almost been ten minutes". He looked around, he could only see a few familiar faces: Riven, working in her degrading bunny outfit as usual, Jayce and Ezreal sat at one table, both wearing fancy, white tuxedos. Ashe, Sejuani and Tryndamere were also chatting near the bar, but no sight of the Radiant Dawn. Vi stood up, leaving her winnings at the table.

"I'm gonna look for her, she might be sick or something," the Enforcer turned and looked at Sivir, "And don't even try to steal my winnings". Vi walked over to Graves, patting his back, "Mind watching my chips, Hot-Shot?"

"I ain't got my shotgun 'ere, but consider it done". Vi laughed, playfully slapping his face. When the Vixen left earshot, Sivir and Twisted Fate burst into laughter, even Braum couldn't resist a light-hearted chuckle. Graves scowled, "Why don't y'all shut up before I make you". Sivir laughed even harder at his attempt of acting tough, almost in tears.

She stifled her laughs with a hankerchief, "Sure thing, Hot-Shot".

He rolled his eyes, throwing his used cigar into the ashtray beside him. "Guess I better get going, i'd rather tuck in before Cailtyn notices I borrowed some of her bursting shells". With that, he downed his whiskey, then shoved the miniscule amount of chips from Vi's pile into his belt.

Twisted Fate chuckled, "So much for watching, partner".

He grunted, putting on his poncho. "Think of it as a fee".

"A fee for what?" The Card Master asked, a thin smile on his lips.

"For calling me Hot-Shot", he mumbled.

With a final wave goodbye, the Outlaw walked out of the casino, leaving Braum, Sivir and Twisted Fate sitting at the table.

The Battle Mistress had finished packing up her chips, tying her purse close before she began looking around the casino. Fate noticed this, folding his arms. "Looking for your next bounty, Sivir?" She shook her head, turning towards the two men seated before her.

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