Star Wars

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Dantooine. A planet that once was one of the most important locations to the Jedi Order. Now it was nearly forgotten. The planet was sparsely populated. No one noticed as a tornado of pure force energy appeared and dissipated as quickly it had formed. It revealed a man on his knees in the field. He pulled the mandalorian mask from his face.

Revan. Hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. He was all these things and much more. He was the man who drove the mandalorians back and saved the republic, he was the man who brought the Republic to its knees, leaving it on the verge of collapse, and had then saved it. After a few moments, he began to regain some semblance of what was happening.

"What happened? I... I was on the Foundry. I wasn't strong enough, I had to escape. I... I failed, there's nothing to stop them now. I'm sorry, Gonar. I couldn't finish what we started, what Malak and I started."

Revan began to look around. "Dantooine. I should try and find the Enclave."

After two or three hours, Revan found what he was looking for. He approached the familiar structure, and a sense of surprise took hold of him. The last time he had seen the Enclave, it had been destroyed by the Sith Orbital Bombardment. Now it was not only repaired, it appeared as though it hadn't been used in millennia. Revan expected that if it was repaired, it would be full of Jedi, however it was abandoned. He entered the Enclave and the familiar corridors and rooms reminded him of a simpler time.

Revan approached the training grounds, and memories began to overtake him. Although he had reclaimed the last of his missing mind when he found his mask, this was more than his subconscious at work. This was the Will of the Force. He watched as he saw a younger and more naive Revan retraining to be a Jedi. Revan's thoughts turned to Bastila. He began thinking of their son, Vaner. And how he would never see them again because of the Sith Emperor.

Revan could feel his anger and hatred growing. But Revan did not care, he had mastered both the light and the dark side of the Force. A small anger spike would not be the end of him.

"There is no emotion; there is peace."

He continued searching the enclave, descending into the sublevel and wandering through halls towards the Archives.

"Here we are." Revan approached the holoterminal and began looking through it's data.

"That can't be right." Revan stared at the display monitor, puzzled by what he was seeing. According to the galactic time stamp, it had been approximately 3,621 years since his failure at the Foundry. According to the event archives. The strike team that had freed him from the Maelstrom Prison had left the Empire on the verge of collapse through their combined efforts. Yet it was strange, the Sith Empire had fallen. But the presence of the dark side felt even stronger, and it was steadily growing. Revan began to ponder what could have possibly caused this. Then he realized.

When he escaped the Foundry, Revan used a technique known as Fold Space, he had never done so before, however the Archives stated that use of Fold Space could not only act as a teleporter, it could also act as a method of time travel.

"I need to get off of this planet, get to Coruscant." Revan continued exploring the Enclave, until he came across the garage. The door slid open, revealing dozens of swoop bikes. "Perfect" Revan mounted the nearest Swoop and thankfully, despite being out of use for almost 4,000 years, it started immediately. Revan opened the outer door, and took off at full speed. The sun was rising, but by the time Revan found a settlement, he hoped it would be dark. Night usually meant a busy cantina, which were full of smugglers. Usually weak-minded smugglers.

After a few hours, Revan noticed an alert flashing on the swoop's dashboard. Despite still being in working condition, the power cell had continued to drain, and it would soon reach critical levels. Revan silently cursed himself for not paying attention to this when he left the enclave. There wasn't enough power to make it back, so he had to find either a settlement, or at least a farmer soon.

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