Diaries and Memories

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Naeun's POV:

The morning came real soon since the girls and I slept a little late celebrating the first award we got for LUV. It seems like our hardwork paid off.

I woke up remembering a vision of... Taemin.
Maybe because I saw him yesterday. I sat up, since my body alarmed itself to get up. I got up and found nobody but myself out. There was no living creature in the kitchen and the living room as I passed by, probably the girls were having a deep a slumber or maybe I just woke up too early?

I looked out and found the sky still dark. I checked the wall clock and I figured it was only three in the morning.

I marched back to the room quietly. Tiptoe. Tiptoe back to the bed. I lay down and grabbed my blanket. My eyes wandered off to the ceiling, I couldn't go back to sleep. I was too wide awake.

What to do? I asked myself, looking around the room. In a few days, I'd go to University for studying. I had to be productive with my day break.My eyes landed on my phone. It's been a while since I played it, checked on it or just even use it.

If I haven't check on it for a long time then maybe it's full of messages and missed calls?

I quickly searched my inbox. Yep, it was full of messages. It read 373 messages from my members, my parents ,friends and the unknown. I wonder where they got my number?

I am officially an impenetrable girl yet there are still messages from the unknown?

I scanned over the names and their messages, maybe it was something important. A few of them were congratulatory messages, these were the typical kind.

I read along my members messages, most of them was about them asking my whereabouts. Okay, not important anymore.

My eyes widened as I saw my mom's contact. She merely had a hundred and fifty messages sent to me. I wonder what was happening?

I read along, found the same lines and questions a mother would ask.

"How are you? Are you doing well?" ; "Eat healthy and Work hard" ; "Get some rest." ; "Why aren't you contacting us? Are you too busy?"; "Come home sometime, your Dad and I miss you." "Take care Naeun."

And lastly she sent me "Congratulations on your comeback.I'm so proud of you."

Of course, she wouldn't miss it for the world. She was a mother indeed.

I finally marked them all as read. My phone memory will soon be full. I had to delete conversations.

I went over to my inbox and scanned everything once more. This time, picking names that would be saved.

I started off from the bottom round to the top. Easily, the bottom ones were trash and so I deleted them. My fingers easily pressed delete and out they were.

My eyes and fingers stopped as I saw a familiar name, coming near for its review.

It was Taemin's.

I sighed and heavily. Thinking about whether I should delete or not. I went over to our conversations, somehow I couldn't help but read along.

I scrolled it up and down to check its length, only to find out that our conversation was way back before when we got each other's numbers in We Got Married.

I read along our conversation as I couldn't control myself from it. I couldn't resist it. I began reading the whole conversation.

As I read along, I can't help but think. Was there any lie in our conversation? How much of these messages were his lies?

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