I am officially pissed off

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Somehow, though I hated, I couldn't ignore her. She let out amazing aura. You know smart and enticing is the most wanted combination. All the guys wanted to befriend with her. All the girls mixed with her like colours in a painting. She valued all. I was excessively proud for always being surrounded by girls. But she never actually paid heed to me though I Was her brother, Connor's bestfriend. She was 12 and I was 13.
Next day at school
"And the law of inertia, is the tendency of the object to stay at the same state of motion.....Zac Sky! The class is going on here, would you mind to look in the front or shall I teach out of the window for you to pay attention?!" She shouted, with anger dripping from her eyes, her eyes were just at the verge of popping out and I laughed.

I laughed! "Out of the class!". Was the last thing I heard from her.

I was standing out, there she was walking with the vice principal of the school discussing something with around 10 heavy books in her two softer-than-pillow hands.

HEART: Go Zac, help her.
Mind: Zac never goes behind girls, girls come behind him.
Heart: You gotta break that rule for someone!
Mind: yes, but not her. That obnoxious girl, who is smarter than you. More popular than you. Whose eyes spoke volumes and whose heart was clearer than Sherlock's investigation.

With that my stubborn mind gave in and I decided to help her. I opened my eyes to see a throng of people seeing me hallucinating and talking were laughing. Kaira was not to be found.

What the heck is this girl doing to me.

*****Break time at canteen***

Since my friends; Connor, Alastair, Ron and Dean were friends with Kaira's friends; Anna, Daisy and Maureen, my friends decided to sit with them.

I came from restroom, Anddd saw the most exciting view! Kaira! Kaira Daira my official CRUSHAIRA! Was sitting with us and the seat next to her was empty. I could literally see hearts flying in the air while she was laughing on a joke cracked by Dean. Wait, Dean shut up. She is supposed to laugh on my jokes. Zac's jokes!
WELL, I SHOUTED Zac's jokes!
Everyone turned and looked at me. Kaira looked at me. I HAD a perplexed look so she immediately laughed. I scratched the back of my head and made my way to the table.

Dean immitated, "Zac's jokes!" And everyone started laughing.
Her laughter is the most beautiful sound.

Why god? Everytime we get insulted, in front of the person we want to get appreciated. We make fool out of ourselves in front of those people who we wish could never see that idiotic shade of ours. Karma is a bitch.

I just chuckled nervously.

She then said, "Zac, please tell us any of your Jokes! We wanna Laugh on Zac's Jokes!".
How dare this girl imitate me? Well okay she has good sense of humour.

I Was about to retort when this insane girl, Paige came.
"Zacky baby, look what happened, I cut my hand with the plastic ruler! Please come to me let's go to the dispensary."

Bitch bad bitch. She is always sucking my patience. Zacky baby. Ugh! It is so so annoying. Her seductive tone reminded me of porn. What is Mia's size? Why am I thinking that? Ugh.

She interrupted my thoughts and said, "Go Zacky baby, she is bleeding heavily. She cut herself with an plastic scale. Who knows it could be a fracture!"

Everyone including me gulped their laughter. How can a plastic ruler cut that asshole's finger.

She looked at Kaira with pangs of jealousy to whick Kaira smirked.

Ohman! That smirk!

I got up pissed off. She went into the restroom and I ran away. Yes I ran because her fakeness was injurious for human consumption.

Kaira saw me running. I stopped. She stopped. Yeay! She Read my mind! "Why are you running? Dogs behind, Eh?".
"No!Paige is so annoying. I locked her in the restroom." I replied nonchalantly. She laughed. Dean I win.
She then replied, "She should understand that beauty comes when she is herself. Beauty dwells in her but she is trying to be someone else. Aaaandd she is totally over you!", she chuckled.
"Youaresobeautiful", I said in a breath.
"Thankyousomuchdearzackybabyyy", she teased. I pouted.she pouted. God she is adorable.

~~~~~Author's note~~~~~~
*wink* *wink*
So? What say? Was it good?

Okay question of the day, who could be Kaira, Kristen Stuart or Emma Watson?

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Please motivate me.

Good day beautiful people.
Olive you all. XOXO

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