Chapter three

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Kelsey's POV
It was dark when I woke up. At first I felt like I couldn't open my eyes then I realized that I finally did. I was not in my bedroom that was for sure. I looked around and saw moonlight streaming through a window. I knew I had to escape. I tried to get off the bed I was on but my leg was handcuffed to the bedpost. Why does this have to happen to me. I didn't have that much money and by the look of this room the person who kidnapped me defiantly has money and lots of it. I know how to pick a lock so I pulled a Bobby pin from my hair. I straightened it and slowly inserted it into the lock of the handcuffs. In a minute or two I was free. I walked to the window to see if I could open it. Sadly the idiot who kidnapped me left it unlocked. I walked out to the balcony and reached the rail. I saw that I was only one story from the ground. I thought no problem. This is easy as a piece of pie. I closed the doors to the balcony and jumped down. And ran into the forest to find my way home.

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