Chapter seven

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Kelsey POV

You know those days when you think ok well I can wing it and then it turns into screw this im outta here. Well it's one of those for me I mean first day of school and I've already been labeled as the new girl. Ugh I had people. Small town high schools are worst than huge city one. I mean they know your new because they have never seen you before. Then you have the whole status thing that I don't care about one bit. I mean if you want to be a selfish Beeotch then go ahead but don't expect me to care one way or the other. Then we have the weird new boy that has a dark and Brooding aura that you could almost touch. All in all I hate high school I mean they say it's for preparing you for the real world but well what does that say well I don't know maybe that the real world is full of people who are really artificial. Hmm I don't know I think I like real weird people better. Oh well so I was walking down the hall today and that boy I mentioned in my rant about hell on earth I accidentally ran into. So I totally like made lost my hold on my books and he caught every single one it was so cool. And then he handed me them and left it was really interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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