For @LarrytheLobster321
Okay, first of all I just want to say that I am so so sorry for not updating. Second, I am sincerely sorry that this cover didn't turned out the way you want or you expect it to turn in to. It was kinda hard searching for a shuriken and kunai with blood in it. And the girl was harder to find than I expected. Again I am so sorry that the cover didn't turned out the way you expected. Even I know that the cover is sooo far from what you imagined it was gonna be.
But still thanks for requesting ^_^ Hope you'll like it even if its just a little bit.
Flurry // Graphic Shop I
Random[ C L O S E D ] F L U R R Y G R A P H I C S H O P [ S Y ' S G R A P H I X 1 S T I N S T A L L M E N T P T 1] Pls visit Graphic Shop II if you want to Request ^_^ This Book Contains: Covers (1-72) Icons (1-2) Banner...