The Moon Is My Witness (Still editing and looking for feedback)

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The whispers that morning were so intense that she had to pop a few Ibuprofen in order to concentrate. As she sat there waiting for it to kick in, every single syllable overheard seemed to increase the pulsating ache, nagging in the back of her skull. She was tapping her foot on the floor impatiently, counting down the minutes until her relief. After 30 some minutes and to no avail, she had to take a couple more. 'Damn, did they expire?' she inquired herself, looking down at the bottle. Only then did she realize that she had accidentally grabbed her little sister's bottle of 200 mg instead of her normal 1000 mg. It was prescribed to her some years back due to her ridiculous tolerance to pain killers, and it was like nothing the doctors had ever seen. Although she was as healthy as a horse, she would always get the worst migraines imaginable a few times each month. For some reason though, she had gotten them every stinking day ever since the accident. As the sun began to rise, her pain tolerance would lower to nothing.

"Oh my God! I can't believe she actually showed up. I like so totally thought she was going to unenroll..." a whispering perky voice came from a few rows back. A roar of hushed voices erupted immediately at the start at that gossip. And of all of the conversations she overheard, one word in particular caught her interest: Wolf.

She sighed inwardly and struggled to put her earbuds in, cranking up the volume. "Heat of the Moment" by Asia was the first song to play. The repetition of the song itself briefly caused her to feel sympathy for Sam Winchester in that episode in which Dean kept dy--.

"No," she breathed. How could she have let that happen? Everything was normal for just a split second. How could she possibly let herself forget? He's not going to be waiting by her locker or driving her home after school or going to be there to calm her down whenever she and her mother fought. Not anymore. He will, however, forever remain in her thoughts. She had a constant need to reminisce every day she had spent with him. To calm her nerves she conjured the memory of their first road trip last summer.


"How long until we get there?" she asked, quickly returning to singing along to Sweat (A La La La La Long) by the Inner Circle. Her unusual taste in music had been influenced by Henry. He would always say that you can't be a true music lover if you didn't experience everything. As the song ended in a slow fade, Imaginary by Evanescence came on. The warm sun beamed down on her tan skin as she set one foot out the window and the other on the dash. Her silver and red tipped toe nails gleamed so bright in the sun. Those colors have been so soothing to her since she was little; another thing that comforted her was marijuana. It made all of her worries fade away and left her with a happy-go-lucky grin.

Now she finally had time to light the blunt Henry had rolled for the occasion. It was a perfect time too, for they were finally at their destination.

"It's right there," he pointed at the restaurant, "I still can't believe you haven't been to a waterfall before. This is my favorite of all of the North West. Have you ever heard the Wasco legend about how Multnomah Falls was formed?" She shook her head silently and passed the blunt to him, settling in for yet another one of his stories.


She yanked on the left and then the right headphone despite the fact that she rather enjoyed the song playing; "867-5309/Jenny" by Tommy Tutone. 'I really need to pay attention,' she told herself, 'you haven't been here for 2 weeks.' As soon as she turned in, she regretted it. Mrs. Earnhardt, the senior English teacher, was trying to explain to a preoccupied class about how Iago is trying to get rid of Othello because he was butt hurt or something. English was her least favorite subject, particularly when they were studying Shakespeare, so instead, she continued her daydream.


Before Henry started the story, he took a very long hit from the blunt just passed to him. He inhaled deeply into his lungs until he had no more room for breath. When he finally exhaled, he made several smoke rings, which to this day, still made Jewel envious.

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