School Life

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I woke up to my alarm going crazy blaring, it sounded like the world was ending or something. I got up and decided to put on a white and black striped shirt, jeans, white converse, and I threw on a black beanie. I put on a little mascara but i didn't want it to end up running because of the rain. I grabbed my bag and had my mom drive me to school. My parents got divorced around 3 years ago and I feel as if I've gotten so much closer to my mother and I can tell her anything. We finally arrive to school.

"Alright honey have a good day at school. Luv ya."

"Ok mom you too. Luv ya too"

I go to my homeroom and finally got to 4th period. I hated my school because I have to same schedule everyday and I have to do so much walking from one building to another, and I'm going to hate the next week because it's going to rain all week.

I start walking outside and the rain has gotten harder and then all of a sudden the rain stops. Well for me at least. I look up and see an umbrella above me and this really cute boy next to me. He was wearing this plaid and jean jacket with a white top that just made him look all the more attractive.

"Cody Marvin Danielson at your service." He said bowing and happening to spill a lot of the water everywhere, "Oops sorry"

I just laughed."Evelyn Rose Morreno."

"I like that."

"Thank Y-"

I got rudely interrupted by this girl shoving me out of the way into the ground and right into a puddle. Fuck, I quietly mumbled to myself. Cody ran over and offered to help me up, but got up myself and just looked at the girl.

" Oops sorry, guess I was just really happy to see my boyfriend." Just hearing her string those words together made me sick to my stomach. I know I just met Cody like 10 min ago and I had no clue if this was actually his gf or not so I just walked away to my next class.  

Its now the end of the day and thankfully this was last period with like the only teacher that actually got me, Mrs.Greenville. I occasionally babysit her son, Brandon, and we've got a sisterly relationship between us. 

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I say as I'm looking down at myself in disgust and I see stain marks everywhere.

"Yeah sure anytime."

Although this is last period, I'm not looking forward to having to spend another hour with Cody and his "girlfriend".

"Ok class. Today we are going to start our world history group projects. For this project you will work in groups of two."As she said that I could already see mean girl staring longingly at Cody to be his partner.

"I have chosen your partners..." As she starts listing of the names I start falling asleep slightly until I hear the last few names being called.

"Lauren and Taylor. Marcus and Beatrice. Evelyn and Cody"MY MIND IS LITERALLY EXPLODING RIGHT ABOUT NOW!!!

"You guys will have the weekends and all of the next week to finish this. Have fun and have a good weekend."

The bell rings and I start heading out to the bus when Cody comes up to me and offers me a ride home. I take up the offer because he claimed that if he wanted to come over to work on the project he would know where to go. We get in the car and he starts telling me about the mean girl.

"I'm extremely sorry about Beatrice."


"Beatrice....the girl that pushed you in the puddle earlier."
"Ohhhhh her."

" Yeah. She gets very jealous whenever I'm with other girls. And I'm very glad Mrs.Greenville picked our partners or else I would've been stuck with her." I just smiled that he was happy to be out with me.

We finally get to my house after many, and I mean many missed turns and wrong exits. We had a last the whole ride home joking around and just getting to know each other better. He pulls into my driveway and right before I get out of the car I thanked him for the ride.

"Thank you very much for the ride."

"I'd bring you home everyday if you would want me to"

"Really?? You would do that?"

"Of course. For you." I thanked him again and gave him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek and got out of the car walked up the stairs and went inside and started screaming!
I'm sorry I haven't really updated been busy with midterms and studying and school stuff!!

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