The Plague

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Hello. My name is Irridessa. I'm fifteen years old. But, you're not here for that kind of stuff, are you? You're here for my story. Well, here you go.

It all started around four years ago. 

My family was moving.

 We were in the car, heading to our new house. It was getting pretty dark, and I started to hear drops on my window, each one filling me with an impending sense of dread. My black hoodie kept me warm, and gave me a sense of safety, the rain not being able to touch me. I dragged my black-gloved fingers down the window, following the water droplets as they slid down the glass, twitching to the left a bit every few seconds.

I knew that the movers wouldn't unpack us in this kind of weather. It was raining hard. My mom wanted to be optimistic, always saying "They might!", but she knew that they wouldn't. We'd probably have to stay the night in an empty house.

When we finally pulled into the driveway, I was relieved to see that my door was closest to the shade awning. As soon as the car stopped, I booked it to the awning, carrying my umbrella and a small, black toolbox with me. Luckily, I made it without incident. I waited for my mom and dad to join me, both of them soaked to the bone. I laughed a bit under my white mask, making them smile.

My dad opened the door. "Welcome to our new home!" He said, opening the door and letting me step in. I looked around the house. Everything was lit up. Well, that is, until the lights started to flicker. Then, they went out completely.

My dad got a candle and lit it, putting it on the floor.

I opened my box, and grabbed something small from inside. It was my black Nintendo DS, XL, with a golden triforce on it. A hacked cartridge was inside it.

You see, for a twelve year old, I was a master hacker. I loved hacking games, especially Zelda games. For the first time around, all I'd do is change Link and Zelda's genders so that I could play as a girl. Then, once I beat the game, I would change the story in different ways, always putting my own character in the place of Link. I've gotten so good at it that I could hack and change a game completely in the time-span of ten minutes.

Well, the hacked cartridge was of "a link between worlds", my hacked version.

I started playing as my own character, starting a new game and writing "Dessa" as my name. I played for a bit, just about until Yuga showed up. Yes, I still kept him. I liked how he could easily turn you into a painting if you got on his nerves.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

My mother got it, and opened it to an older man.

"Hello. My name's Joe. I live next door and I saw that you just got here and you're experiencing a black out. I don't think that's a good way to welcome you to the neighborhood, so, why don't you three come over to my house, at least until the blackout stops?" he explained, motioning to his house behind him, the rain still hammering down.

"Oh, that would be great!" she exclaimed, telling my dad about it. I got my stuff and opened my umbrella as I stepped out, walking fast over to the house.

I could hear the adult's conversation as I walked.

"Uh, is she alright? With her covered up like that...." Joe asked, looking at me with a confused look. I looked down at my outfit. A surgical mask covered the bottom half of my face while my black hoodie was up covering my white hair, which was in a tight bun. I was also wearing jeans, black boots, and black gloves. I guess that is pretty strange.

"Oh, yes, she's fine. She was just born with a few....defects, that's all. Her name's Irridessa. She likes to keep to herself." My father explained.

The Lullaby, The Insomniac, and The Plague (Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now