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Eren pov

"...call me....master"

Is...Is this a dream?

"From now on you will be my whore, you are not allowed to leave this house, to talk back, to not obey me or to fuck someone else..."

He stopped, I turned to face him. In one move he grabbed me from the back, and approached my face to his. All I could read on Levi's expression was a mixture of a lot of things, it was happiness for all I could say, but ...that smile didn't look that innocent. It was exactly like he was trying to monopolize me and that evil, full of lust smile showed it all.

He looked in my eyes, stared in them for a minute, then said, with a calm and normal tone and a little smile that lightened his face :

" Because, from now on...you are mine Eren, and I won't give you to anyone"

"Nn..no. No" I said.

He let me go. I ran in my room with crying eyes.

I...love him, yes, but, this is too overwhelming, I can't barely so many emotions, so much happiness, I...I can't even!

Even tough I love Levi, he ...has so many things that are uncertain. Like...master?! Really, how much of a bdsm fan can you be. And, this all happened in 5 or less hours, before he was like "You are just a filthy rent boy" and "i don't care" and all evil and cold.

I just can't forget the fact that he destroyed my house and that he did it in front of me, even tough he knew o love him, and all the things he says about me...it really hurts. I.. I can't forgive someone who speaks to me on that tone and then, out of nowhere, begins to like me, and look at me with another expression...I really feel like he just wants my body, and, even if this was my job, he is different.

I was crying so hard, I just ruined the dress, so I changed in a long large shirt and my boxers. I begun to pack my stuff...I really thing I should leave so.... Suddenly, I hear something next to the door...it's locked so he can't enter though.

I approached the door, it was a letter written with purple on a yellow page. The...the same colour of my eyes.

"Dear Eren,

I know I scared you there, and I am so very sorry, I just couldn't bare with it anymore.

Maybe right now you are thinking 'what a horny perverted old man',but I'm not talking about that kind of thing. I wantet to say that I didn't forget you, Eren. I have kept you in my heart since that night when we met. I see that you were too drunk to remember my name, but at least you recognized me and ... Out of nowhere said that you like me, that you will give me anything. I was so angry, I should have been the one to say that, and all the things that I wanted to say and I couldn't because I was scared... All of them, I would really like to talk to you more. To...love you more, I want to hide this cold part of me from you because that me doesn't deserve you...and maybe, not me in general.

But I am still going to say how much I love you, and how sorry I am for all the stupid things I said and did to you.

                       With love,
                               Levi "

I burst in tears and fell on the floor. He...he really likes me.

I opened the door and ran to his room, but the door was locked and I could hear him crying.

"Levi...Levi, let's talk"

I heard his nails scratching the wooden door like he was hitting it.

"Eren...Eren I'm so sorry, so so sorry"

"Levi, open the door"

"I..." He opened the door but didn't let me enter. Inside was so dark and I could hear a sober creepy song. Levi was crying, his face was a real mess.

"L..Levi, why are you crying ...don't, please"

"I am so sorry Eren, I was so selfish"

I begun to cry too, he was so cute omg. He gave up and let me in. I hugged him, the most warm hug ever.

"Levi, I won't give up on you" He lifted his head and wiped his tears.

"I love you Eren" He hugged me back, and i kissed his forehead. We stayed like this for what seemed like hours.

What Is Life (Ereri Fan fiction, ErenxLevi)Where stories live. Discover now