Chapter 3

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+Hey guys! I've really been busy and working hard....this story has just kinda been pushed away due to some things going on in my life! But I'm back to it! It would mean the world to me if you guys could help me in getting my story out there for people to read!
+So please comment, rate, and share! I love you guys so much!

August 27, 2015

Danielle P.O.V.

The man at the gate glares at me when I pull up and shut off the truck.

"Sorry ma'am it's past midnight, no one else till 6," he says to me lamely.

"C'mon man, it's 12:01, and I would have been here on time but I couldn't find a gas station with diesel, and if y'all weren't so far back in the woods on a windy road. Getting this rig to here was rough, there was some hairpins back there dude. C'mon please." He eyes me, then the truck and trailer.

"Hmm, musta been tough to get this dually up here, let alone that trailer. How long's the truck?" he asks me, he's really starting to make me mad.

"23 feet with the hitch, and the trailer is 25 feet, so I'm a 48 foot load here. Plus I'm loaded with 9 bikes, and 2 quads. Fastest I can go is 70 mph, now please, let me in." I beg.

He looks around, and then kicks the dirt, "Fine, the gate fee is 30 bucks, this counts for tomorrow too."

I fish around in my pocket for my money, then pull out 2 twenties, handing them to him through the open window. He gets ready to hand me a ten back, but I say, "Keep it, y'all have a nice track out here. I drive five hours to get here every other weekend, best I've rode at yet. So, just keep it."

I push in the brake, then turn the ignition and the truck rumbles back to life. I push in the clutch with my other foot, and put 'er in gear.

The man tips his hat, and smiles, "Good luck tomorrow ma'am."

I smile, and say, "Thanks, I needed that," then pull away

After about 2 miles, of driving on the dirt path, alongside the track, and checkin' out everyone's rides for tomorrow. There's all kinds of yellows, reds, dark blues, and Kawasaki greens. I see the lil path that leads to the back lot. I slightly turn the wheel a little to the left and step on the pedal.

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