You, Me and the Library

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I could show you love
In a tidal wave of mystery
You'll still be standing next to me
You could be my luck
Even if we're six feet underground
I know that we'll be safe and sound

Allison was trying to think of every single lie she could say to get out of this situation, but instead she just stood there, and stared at Rune. "So, can I join in?" Allison could feel the heat rush up to her face, since Rune came all she had done was stare at his face. Her friends would pride over the fact of how sly she was, and how easily she could lie, now, she felt that she had let them down.

"Alli?" Rune waved a hand in front of her face. Shit. Crossing her arms over her chest and quirking up an eyebrow Allison frowned at him. "Now why would I invite you?" Rune was taken aback, the confident smirk which had graced his face disappeared as quickly as Houdini in his magic tricks. "Well." He started. "I am your neighbour?" Allison shook her head and smirked. "Come in."

Rune looked happy for one moment but in the other he looked bemused.
"Isn't there a party?" He shoved his hands in his pockets. "You never asked what kind of party it was, Rune." Allison snickered as she pulled out a bag of chips, from the cupboard. She plopped down onto the sofa and switched on the TV. "This, is my definition of a party." Allison looked up and smirked at the dumbfounded Rune Laurell. "You can join in." I've done them proud, of course I did. "Wanna watch Annabelle?"

Rune was not, the biggest fan of horror movies. He had clutched onto the cushion for the past hour and stress eaten the entire bag of potato chips, Allison had to get one for herself again.  The beagle had also decided to join in and was nestled in between their laps. Rune was terrified when the dog had come in. He had gasped and aimlessly thrown a cushion in the dog's direction.

"Rune, chill."
"I am chill. I was chill. I will be chill. You can't tell a chill person to chill." He responded, eyes stuck on the screen.
"Rune, you're ranting."
"I AM NOT-" Rune's rant was cut off by the bell. Allison stalked over to the door. "Hey honey!" Mr. Westfield bent down and kissed Allison on her cheek. "Hey dad." Allison smiled and glanced over at Rune who was standing up and brushing crumbs off his black jeans. "Hey Alli. Did you paint?" Mrs. Westfield clambered in with her hands filled with groceries. Allison took one and Rune took the other. "Hey Rune!" Her mother smiled and hugged him. "What? Where?" Her father adjusted his spectacles and whipped his head around. "There you are! Hello!"
"Hi Mr. And Mrs Westfield."
"Weird. We're going to meet your parents!" Her dad smiled. Allison looked over at look who looked like a confused puppy. Cute. "They're back?"
"Yeah! They invited us!" Her dad leaned against the kitchen island. "Oh."

"You two can stay here and finish up your movie and we'll get going. Alli put the groceries where they're supposed to be." Her mother removed her suit coat. "And this too." Just as they were about to leave her father stuck his head in and spoke. "Order whatever you want to." With that her parents stepped out.

"Pepperoni?" Allison smiled as she opened up the web page. Her parents never allowed her to order or eat out. They were very organic. Allison cringed at it and decided to focus on ordering. "Anything without pineapples on." The couple had now switched over to Scream Queens, after the their debate on whether Rune was scared or wasn't. "Pepperoni it is." Allison could feel Rune's keen gaze on her, she chose to ignore it but couldn't quite achieve her goal. "What?"
"Can we sit in your library?"
"Why?" Because it is my zone you little shit.
"Because Zayday is about to be killed by the Red Devil."
"Well, can I sit in your library?"
"Because you gotta watch Zayday being killed with me."
"Ugh. Only after we watch Scream Queens and eat pizza."
"Can't we eat over there."
"I don't want your greasy hands."
"I don't-"
"Shut up."
hey guys look! I finally updated lmao .this chap be sooo long with no plooot (O_O)☆〜(ゝ。
Anyways., vote and comment

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