Five: Dan's Control

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On the night of Zoe's Halloween party, pre-drinks were held at Tyler's apartment, mostly because it was within drunk-walking distance to Zoe's house – but also so the group could make fun of each other's Halloween costumes, and of Ty's DVD collection.

"Dude, you have way too much Disney." Chris was was wearing a black morph suit and a horse head mask.

Tyler, who was dressed in quite possibly the cheapest, tackiest Dracula costume known to man – complete with ridiculous-looking fake blood oozing from one corner of his mouth, viciously slapped Chris on the back of his head.

"There is no such thing as too much Disney." Louise, who was half-assing it by wearing a pumpkin onsie, agreed.

Chris sighed.

"You need to understand that it's not cool for a grown-ass man to enjoy Cinderella."

"And you need to bippity-boppity back the fuck up out of my life."

PJ was the one to break them up, swatting them both gently on the arms with his riding crop. He was dressed as a jockey, as a counterpart to Chris's horse. It was funny, until Tyler asked if they realised exactly how deep the gay connotations were.

Then it was hilarious.

PJ's face had promptly turned an impressive scarlet, and Louise and Tyler had actually been reduced to rolling on the floor, clutching their stomachs as they laughed. Wiping a tear from his eye, Tyler clapped Chris on the back, commenting,

"Well you know, PJ's ass does look pretty sweet in those pants. No one's judging you here, Chris."

PJ choked on air, and Phil found himself wondering if the poor boy's face would ever revert back to its normal color. But then, Phil also agreed that the pants made PJ's ass look good so he couldn't spare much sympathy.

Carrie was dressed as the Queen of Hearts. Phil had suggested after he'd watched her sparring. Carrie had floored partner after partner-

"You were just like 'Off with their heads,' and roundhouse kicked them – Carrie, you're like the Queen of that place."

Carrie had decided it was a good idea, and although she didn't voice it – Phil could tell she was happy that the scarf Phil bought her matched perfectly with her dress. It made Phil swell with pride. Louise had helped Carrie with her makeup, smearing layer after layer of concealer over her lips until they were invisible, and then painting a bright red heart in their stead. It contrasted beautifully with her pale skin and blonde hair – and while Phil did notice Chris stare at her for longer than necessary, his gaze didn't seem to carry as much longing as it used to...

Connor was Alice, and the blush hadn't left his face from the second the frilly blue bow settled on top of his blonde wig. Chris had been the one to offer the idea when he heard what Carrie was going to be dressed as. He'd originally meant it as a joke, but as soon as Phil voiced that he thought it would be awesome, that was that. Phil's word was law. Everyone agreed that he looked utterly adorable, and Carrie had nominated herself as his bodyguard for the party, just in case something untoward were to happen.

Phil had decided that the safest bet was to join in with Carrie and Connor's Alice in Wonderland theme. He didn't want to go over the top, but then he also didn't want to look like he hadn't bothered at all. There were going to be a lot of different people at this party – a lot of different people to impress. And a nagging little voice in Phil's head kept reminding him of the tiny chance that he'd run into Dan – and it pained him to admit how much he cared about what the taller male thought of him. If Dan was there, tonight would be the night Phil would make him like him.

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