Hospital Room 27

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I woke to a brigtly lit bulb shining right above me. 'Oh God, I'm not ready to die. Please don't be heaven...' I think to myself.

As my eyes begin to adjust to the room I began to notice specific details; such as the tall plant in the right corner, next to the navy blue door. I also noticed a beep. A heart moniter. I turn my head to see a tall white machine, that was linked to my arm, consistantly beeping. God! It's really annoying. Just as I was about to try and turn the machine off the double navy blue doors flung open and made me jump.

"She's awake" shouted one of the doctors.

"Make sure she is stabalised and not got any side affects of the medication" the other doctor yells.

The first doctor then came to my side and lay me back down. As they adjusted my pillow I settle back. Just as I thought I would go back to sleep, he whips out a syringe and tells me to keep calm. I close my eyes and bear the torture.

Ever since I was a baby I have always had a phobia of needles. They terrify me.

Soon after gritting my teeth the doctor reassures me that I will be fine before handing me a plate of gross looking sandwitches.

"Thanks." I say

"You're welcome" replies the doctor.

"WAIT! Before you leave can you tell me why I'm in here and attatched to a heart rate moniter? Also ... where are my parents?" I ask curiously.

"Well miss, you are in the hospital because you were involved in a horrific car accident. You are attatched to the heart rate moniter so that we can make sure your body is acting as it should."

"Oh, and my parents?"

"I'm ever so sorry miss..." He trails off.

"Wher..wh...where is my mum? My dad?" I ask holding back from crying.

"Your mother is in intensive care ma'am." He says in the most appologetic tone.

"AND MY DAD?" I yell at him as I am worried sick.

"I'm so sorry miss, your father didn't make it through surgery." The doctor gives me a sorry glance before leaving the room. Without realising I had begun crying and sobbing. I curled up in the bed and cried myself into a deep sleep.

****** 3 hours later ******

I woke to the same room. The bright light, the same plant in the corner and the same annoying heart rate moniter beeping at me. I sit there for a moment before the earlier conversation omes flooding back into my mind.

I instantly get up and run into the bleak corridors. A reception desk. I race towards it, trying not to slip on the still wet linoleum floor.

"Hello" I manage to get out, out of breath from that short run.

"Hello, how may I help you ma'am?" relpies the handsome receptionist.

"What room is Mrs Hargrive in?" I blutly splurt out.

"Err, bear with me a moment. Ah! She is in room 63. But, she has only just come out of surgery. Her room is locked and visitors aren't allowed in until next week."

"Are you joking? I am her daughter!" I yell at the poor man behind the desk.

"There is no need to raise your voice ma'am, please go back to your room and I will let your mother's doctors know that you would like to see her immedietly." replies the receptionist in a polite and calm manner, despite me screaming at him.

"Sorry, and thank you. Have a good night." I head back to my bland room and cuddle up with the duvet. I take my phone from the side table. I stare atthe huge crack through the middle of the screen. Still, I turn it on and watch some of Velvetgh0st's old vlogs - they always cheer me up.

A/N: Daisy is 15 not 17... ☺️

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