Wake Up

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Chapter 2

Wake Up

It was midnight and everything was silent, except for the noise from Stiles breathing heavily.

He was constantly sweating while he was asleep, he was grabbing onto the bed sheets and tightened the grip of it as he started muttering in his sleep.

He dreamt about him being next to a brown wooden coffin, which was his mother's. He dreamt the younger him, the time his mother died.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and looked at his father who was standing beside him.

Stiles wept in his sleep, and woke up feeling the tears running down his face.

He gasped as soon as he woke up, he felt the tears from his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and saw Lydia beside him in his bed.

"Stiles, what's wrong?" Lydia asked. She grabbed onto his arm while her eyes were falling back to sleep again.

Stiles was breathing so heavily, he noticed the door slightly open. He was confused.

"Stiles, please go back to sleep." Lydia begged.

Stiles couldn't leave the door open even if it's only a few inches open. He stood up from his bed wearing a grey T-shirt and blue checkered pajamas.

"Stiles..." Lydia called him again. He slowly reached for the doors handle. Stiles was suddenly curious of what was behind the door in the darkness.

Stiles gulped, he grabbed the door knob and pulled the door as it slowly creaked. It opened widely and Stiles stepped into the darkness.

He saw himself in the middle of the hall ways in school, but he was still wearing his pajamas and grey T-shirt. He looked both ways of the hall way, he saw nothing. It was empty and quiet. The place was also dim, there were no lights around but the only light he had was from the moon above the window ceiling.

He saw the door to exit the place. He ran towards it and pushed the door open...

*knock knock knock*

"Time to wake up, kiddo! You need to get your butt to school! I need to get to work!" said Sheriff.

Stiles saw a new morning with the bright sun shining through his window. He got changed and was ready for a new week at school.

He hopped inside his blue jeep and started the engine and drove to school safely. Stiles parked his jeep at the school's parking lot. He saw Scott in his motorbike.

Stiles parked his jeep next to Scott's, "Hey, Stiles!" Scott smiled gladly to see his best friend.

Stiles glanced behind him and saw Lydia who was walking behind him, "Hey, Lydia," Stiles greeted.

Lydia gave him look and smiled, but she didn't greet back. Stiles remembered about his dream last night. He remembered Lydia gently holding his arm. He remembered how they were both lying in the same bed...


I hope you liked this chapter! Thank you for reading!

Please give me some feedback on what you think so far!♡

Don't forget to...




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