Panic Attack

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Chapter 9

Panic Attack

After fourth period, Stiles was walking with Scott then Stiles bumped into his Dad.

"Stiles, I need to speak to you for a minute," said Sheriff.

Scott walked away politely to let them have a private conversation.

"What is it, Dad?" Stiles asked.

"Um, Melissa called me and asked me if... she could give you an MRI scan of your brain, so, would you mind coming to the hospital for the tests?" Sheriff told Stiles.

Stiles nodded, "Sure, why?"

Sheriff couldn't look at his own son in the eye to tell him the truth about his problems.

"Melissa found out that... your symptoms were exactly the same as your mothers." Sheriff explained.

Stiles looked at his father in grief, "Wh-What?" Stiles' voice trembled as he spoke.

Sheriff forced a smile, "I have to go now," said Sheriff and pats his son's back. "It's gonna be okay, Stiles. I promise you." he told his son and slowly walked away.

Sheriff walked away from with Stiles' heart beat racing. Lydia walked over to Stiles, "Stiles?" asked Lydia. "Are you okay?" asked Lydia.

Stiles began to lose focus. He started to get dizzy, "Stiles!" Lydia looked at him and put her hands on his face.

"I think... I think I may be having a panic attack," said Stiles hesitantly.

"We have to go somewhere," Lydia pointed out. Lydia grabbed Stiles' wrist and he crashed into the boys changing room.

Stiles collapsed on the floor and he was breathing so heavily and he started to cry.

"Stiles, think of something. Happy things." Lydia blurted out.

"I-I can't think of any-any happy thoughts," Stiles replied again, with a slight of hesitation.

Lydia thought of something, Lydia held Stiles' face and looked at him in the eyes. She kissed him. Stiles stopped. Every pain he felt suddenly left him, he didn't feel anymore heavy breathing.

Lydia slowly lets go of Stiles, she opened her eyes and so did Stiles. Stiles looked at her with his cute, brown eyes. Lydia smiled.

"Um," Lydia gulped, "I read once that, holding your breath can stop a panic attack," she told Stiles as he listened to her sweet voice, like he always did.

"And, um, when I kissed you... you held your breath." She said to him, awkwardly.

Stiles smiled at her as he felt really proud of Lydia, "You're smart," said Stiles to Lydia.

Lydia glared at Stiles with her beautiful emerald eyes, shimmering as she stared at him, with a grin.

Lydia chuckled, "Nah, I-I don't think so," she sneered, so did Stiles.

Lydia was glad that she was able to help Stiles.

"They're going to give me an MRI scan after school, do you, uh, want to... come?" Stiles asked her.

Lydia sighed, she curled her lips, "I'm not sure," she replied.


(A/N): Thank you for reading this chapter! Don't worry guys because I am really working on the story line and that's why I haven't updated as much now, but I will try get everything sorted!

Please don't forget to...

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Love you all!x


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