How Do You Solve A Problem Like Sherlock?

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"He's severely underweight; we've found multiple self-inflicted wounds, including hundreds more old scars along his arms, legs, and stomach; as well as corrosion on his teeth from the acid produced when he purges; and to put it quite frankly, Dr. Watson, I'm surprised he's still alive."

Tamara is briefing John on the condition of Sherlock; the pair of them hovering outside his door, which in John's opinion was unwise, Sherlock could most likely hear them.
John nods slowly, trying to discern where the conversation was going. 

Tamara takes a deep breath and says, "We think he might benefit from going to Riverside Achievement Center."

John's heart skips a beat. "Y-you mean the psychiatric hospital?! That Riverside?! You can't be serious Tamara, you can't expect Sherlock to go to a loony bin!"

The nurse winces at his loud tone and motions her hand downward to quiet him. 

"He'll go crazy there! Like, actually crazy!" John hisses through clenched teeth. 

Tamara sighs and throws her hands up in the air. "Okay then, John, what do you suggest? Discharge him, take him home, and then have him end up here again after cutting too deep or starving too long? John, Sherlock could DIE. He almost did today. How would you feel if you knew you could have sent him somewhere to help, but didn't, and he died?"

John's face is drained of all color, his breaths coming shallow and irregularly. He can't imagine what his life would be without Sherlock. He didn't want to. "Don't...don't say that...please..."

"Well, it's true! I didn't tell you all this to ask for your permission; Sherlock is a legal adult, it's not your decision. I told you this because I need you to convince him to go. He won't go by himself. He's already been there once, against his will, and this time won't do any more good unless he makes the decision himself. Can you do that, John?"

John's mouth is too dry and his throat is too tight to say anything, so he nods his head yes. 

Tamara sighs deeply, visibly relieved. "Thank you John."

"Don't mention it." John replies.



Sherlock heard every word. He was not going to Riverside. He would make sure of that.

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