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I was currently "stalking" Louis. I'm pretty sure he had no idea I was behind him.

The hallway was crowded as everyone passed to get to lunch.

Since me and Louis hang out in the same group I decided to follow behind him without him knowing.

He pushed the door in front of us open and turned around to face me.

"After you," he said motioning for me to go first.

"Ladies first," I said allowing him to go first.

"Did you just assume my gender?" he said, touching a hand to his heart.

I rolled my eyes and walked through the open doorway.

As soon as we got out I spotted Ali who was sitting across from Harry, Niall, and some other boys that I didn't know.

I was new to the group so I didn't know all of them and they didn't know me except for Louis who was in my Math class.

I tapped Alina's shoulder making her turn around quickly.

She smiled and patted the spot next to her.

I sat down. Well this was a great change from the library.

"Mia," Louis said trying to call my attention.

I didn't turn in the direction of his voice and instead pretended to be interested in my twitter feed.

"@Calum5sos fuck me in the ass while I call you daddy" I tweeted.

"That's her," Louis said, I could feel him pointing at me.

"Wait that's rat? THATS RAT?" Harry asked.

"Um excuse me peasant but it's King Rat to you," I said.

"Oi," Niall said laughing hysterically as if that was the most funniest thing in the world.

"Sassy," Harry said smirking then continuing to focus back on his manicure as Louis and Niall continued a chat about football (not soccer).

Harry sat next to me and introduced himself.

"I'm Louis," he said.

"She knows who Louis is idiot he's in her math class," Alina said for me.

"Then I'm Niall," he said.

"No he isn't," Alina stated.

Little did Harry know that I knew his name and Niall's but I didn't know the other twos names.

"Those two over there next to Louis and Niall are Liam and Zayn," Alina told me.

I know he left the band stfu ok? Ok.

"You hang out with hot guys? How the fuck did you get them to hang out with you," I asked her.

"It wasn't hard they're all idiots and Harry wanted a girl friend so he chose me," she said.

"Yeah I wanted one that looked like a girl but instead I got monkey man over here," Harry said pointing at Ali.

She frowned at him.

"Fuck you Harry, all I wanted was a nicer friend but instead I got a cock sucking asshole," she said.

"Like you don't suck cock," Harry scoffed.

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