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Me: I'm sorry Louis but I'm gonna have to decline

Louis T: wtf why

Me: cause tomorrow is my "look like shit and act like it" day

Louis T: oh

Me: did you mean it tho?

Louis T: mean what?

Me: that you want to hang out with me

Louis T: I guess you'll have to see tomorrow

Me: fuck

"imma fuck ya up son," my brother yelled from the next room.

"TAKE THAT BITCH," he yelled as I got closer to his door.

I pushed open the door to reveal my brother playing his Xbox fulling concentrated on the characters fighting.

"Can you keep it down?"

"Shut the fuck up and get out," he replied.

I rolled my eyes and flung the nearest item, at him, which was one of his smelly shoes.

"KILL EM DAV- MIA WHAT THE FUCK," he yelled pausing the game and staring at me his face flushed red in anger.

"Uh oh," I whispered.

I hurriedly ran out of the room my brother trailing behind me at a fast pace.

Fuck I'm dead.

Lord help me.

As if Jesus heard my prayer, my brother tripped over a small lump in the carpet and fell face first to the floor.

"Haha," I said pointing at him and laughing.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you," he roared as he suddenly got up and charged at me.

"HAVE MERCY," I yelled as we ran in circles around the couch.

"Honey I'm home- OW WHAT THE HELL," someone yelled from the front door.

My brother had thrown the remote control that I had dodged.

It flew straight to the front door hitting our older brother as he came in.

I looked at my little brother, a look of terror flashing in his eyes before he began to run.

Ha he's screwed.

I watched as my older brother ran and tackled my little brother to the floor.

They began to play fight, rolling all over the floor and laughing.


"Mark you left your phone in the car and it started ringin- oh hi guys wus good," Penelope said as she came through the front door.

She looked at me then at the ball of idiots.

"Aye P wus good," I said back. She smiled.

Mark and Greyson stopped fighting and stared at her.

"Pen, you joined the party," Mason said a wide grin spread on his face.

She smiled back at him and handed him his phone.

"Oh shit that was my boss," Mason said as he went to a different room and recalled his boss.

"So..," Penelope said breaking the silence.


Ali Kristoff: BITCH


Me: nothing he just asked if I wanted to hang out with him and I said no

Ali Kristoff: WTF WHY???

Me: idk

Ali Kristoff: omg Mia

Ali Kristoff: you fucking should've

Ali Kristoff: 😑

Me: 🙄

"Pen let's go," Mason said as he walked back into the room.

"But I wasn't done bonding with your little brother and sister," she said a frown forming on her tan face.

"You don't really want to bond with them they're crazy," he whispered so me and Grey wouldn't here.

"HEY," Grey and I yelled at the same time.


I'm ending it here y'all sorry for the short update I was gonna post it the day before yesterday but I felt like it wasn't good enough so I had to rewrite and re edit and do all this other shit but aye it's up and I might not be able to post another chapter for about another week cause I got shit going on in my non existent life so bye for now

x rat

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