Chapter One

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Chapter One

Voices swirled around in my head. Unfamiliar voices and words. Conversations that made no sense.

"It's impossible. She shouldn't have survived." One voice said.

"The proof is right before your eyes, Shrider. Her oxygen level is at 100%." A different voice concurred.

"I just don't understand. The house was on fire. She was amongst the flames. Burning yet she has no bruises, no burns, no nothing. Nothing, Sharon. That's not strange to you?" The one called Shrider said.

"Of course it's strange to me. I've never experienced this before. But I think we should be happy that she's not dead, Alice. You can ask her a few questions after I question her when she wakes up but don't be curt to her." Sharon replied sternly. "Actually nevermind, I don't want her to get scared of us. Plus, she'll probably be tired after I question her."

The voices were distorted and I couldn't see anything but white. My eyes were closed and I could see some red, but it was mostly white. Bright, white, light.

I opened my eyes and saw the two women standing beside me. Alice Shrider, Sharon.

Sharon turned to me, but there was no sound. I ignored her annoying moving lips and looked around. Sharon's name tag said Dr. Sharon Banks.

"Excuse me!" Dr. Banks said, her tone a little harsh.

My eyes shot up to meet hers. "I'm sorry." I whispered, my voice hoarse. "I didn't-" I clear my throat. "I didn't catch that."

"What's your name?" Dr. Banks asked me, her voice much softer this time.

"My name... I'm Jenna. Jenna Armstrong." I smiled, glad the questions won't be difficult to answer.

"Okay," Dr. Banks smiled back at me. "I'm Dr. Banks. Jenna, I'm sorry, but your house burned down today. It's completely burned inside and out. We found you in there, unconscious. You were rushed to the hospital in an ambulance as soon as they realized you still had a pulse, a heartbeat." My eyes darted between Alice Shrider and Dr. Banks. Alice Shrider was tapping her foot against the vinyl floor anxiously. Dr. Banks examined my face and then continued. "Can you tell us what happened Jenna? How did the fire start?"

"I..." I shook my head. I hadn't even known that there had been a fire. "What time is it?"

Dr. Banks glanced down at a slim, but expensive, wristwatch. "Half past two pm."

2:30. "I don't know what happened, doctor. I don't even remember waking up this morning." I informed her.

"Oh, so you were asleep during the fire. That makes sense. Okay, where are your parents?" She continued.

"They're on a business trip to Italy." I answered truthfully.

"How old are you?" Dr. Banks asked.

"I'm sixteen." I replied.

The questions kept coming for a while. What school do I go to? Do I have a place to stay until my parents get back? What's the number? Dr. Banks asked all those questions. Alice Shrider just stood to the side, still tapping her foot anxiously.

Finally Dr. Banks stopped asking questions. "That's all, Jenna. I'm sorry for the interrogation, but it was necessary."

"It's okay." I whispered.

"I have a few questions for you myself." Alice Shrider stopped tapping her foot, took a step towards me.

Dr. Banks glared at Alice Shrider. I looked at the two of them. One calm, one alert.

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