WTF Are You Doing Here?!

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I wake up due to the sun shining through my windows and sliding glass balcony doors, and also the hard surface I'm currently laying on. I groggily yawn, rubbing my eyes and sitting up, when I notice that I'm on the floor. I'm not even on the rug. 'Did I roll off?' I ask myself, slowly standing up, wincing. I'm sore because of my near-death  experience, and lying on the cold, hard ground didn't help. Grabbing my phone from my bedside table, I check the time, which is 7:00, so I have an hour until class officially starts. Setting it back down, I glance over at my bed, and almost have a small feminine heart attack. Ikuto is laying across the bed, and I suspect that he kicked me out. I stumble backwards, my eyes widening and my jaw dropping in shock. It's funny that I almost die of surprise when I find someone sleeping in my bed, but not when someone drags me to an alley, and fights and almost rapes me. He's still passed out, breathing quietly, with Karlee snuggled up in his arms.

Obviously, I can't resist snapping a few pics of the kawaii moment after I get over the initial shock of him being there. Once I finish, I quietly peek from behind my door, into the hallway, and the peaceful silence indicates that nobody else is awake yet. I close my door again, and walk back to my bed to free my skunk. I'm forced to kneel on the matress and pry his arms off to accomplish it though. Once Karlee breaks free, she dives off and escapes by leaping onto the loveseat. I suppose that when I moved his arm, it woke him up so now Ikuto's , half asleep. He yawns, and states at me sleepily. "Ravie-koi, what are you doing in my room?", and I roll my eyes at his reaction. "This is my room, baka. You spent the night, and evidently stole my bed." I gesture at his sprawled out form. I should probably clean this mess before it gets too extreme. "Get out of my bed." I order, while he ignores me, and turns away to go back to sleep. Sighing impatiently I dangerously say "That's it.". I yank the covers and blanket off of him, and when he curls up in a ball, I seize his ankle, and proceed to drag him away from the comfy bed. He lands on the floor, butt first.

"You know, you're too strong for your age and size." Ikuto mumbles, trying to get comfortable. "Hey! I'm 115 pounds now, I gained enough weight!" I complain. Rolling my silver-blue orbs once again, I sit on his chest. He groans, and pushes me off, slouching against the bed and closing his eyes. "Ow!" I whine, rubbing my shoulder. An idea hits my mind, and a smirk stretches across my face, and I rub my hands together evily. I climb onto his lap, and lean my forehead against his. Ikuto's midnight-blue orbs shoot open, and I can see the shock on his face, despite him trying to hide it, along with the barely noticeable, light blush dusting his cheeks. My smirk widens, and I push his chin up with a finger, pulling away. " this is what the blue-haired bad boy looks like when he loses his cool." I purr at him. Ikuto recovers, and he smirks, pushing me off, and standing up. He towers over me, and I gulp nervously as he steps closer. He stands still for a few moments, and then picks me up, slinging me over his shoulder. "Hey! Put me down!" I yell quietly, flailing my limbs, but Ikuto has other ideas, and starts scampering around the room, with me bouncing. I look at the balcony doors, and evidently, he senses what I don't want him to do. 

"Are you having fun yet, Ravie-koi?" the smirk in his voice is obvious. "Noo-gah!" I yelp as he opens the balcony doors, and climbs onto the roof. "Nooo! Ikuto-kun, everyone will hear us, we're going to get caught!" I whisper-yell, punching him in the back. "Only if you let me call you whatever I want, and let me do what I want." he teases, walking around the roof purposely. I sweatdrop. "Yeah, whatever. Just get down!". Ikuto chuckles at my reaction, and climbs down, and goes inside, putting me down. I go back to my closet to get my uniform, and duck into the bathroom to change. By now, I can hear my family waking up. I quickly pull on my dress and socks, and open the door, seeing Ikuto in his underwear. "Oh my god, I'm going to pretend I didn't see that!" I say, covering my eyes. I'm being a pervert, I wanna look, but I can't. "I know you want to look, Ravie-koi. I know you want me.". My cheeks darken, and I turn away to accessorize. "That was very sexual of you to say, Ikuto. I don't wannna hear it.". The charas come out of their eggs, and start to wake up. "Good morning, Raven-chan-desu!" Emi squeals, twirling around in the air. "Yo." I say, smiling at her action. "WHY ARE THEY HERE?" Kokoro screams, pointing a defiant finger at Yoru and Ikuto, who are thankfully dressed. "They just...spent the night." I answer, glancing in their direction while slipping on my shoes. "Okay..." Kokoro replies, narrowing her eyes. I shake my head, and start to brush my hair as the charas start interacting with each other. 

Ikuto walks over, running one of MY COMBS through his hair, and taking my brush out of my hand. "Hey! I was using that!". Ikuto puts down the comb, pushes my head to face foreward, and starts brushing my hair. "What are you doing?" I ask quietly. "Brushing your hair. I don't have this much myself, so I have practice for it.". I raise an eyebrow but let him continue. I have to stop him so I can style it, and when I'm done, he pins a candy-shaped clip in my hair. I thank him, and apply some make up. Ikuto's fiddling with something, I don't know what though. I finish packing up my school bag, and turn to Ikuto. "Okay, so if you want breakfast, you can- WHAT DID YOU DO, IKUTO?!" I holler, pointing at his face. Apparently, he experimented with my make up, and gave himself raccoon eyes. I grab a make up wipe and get it off. "You look better when you don't have terrible make up on." I remark, standing on my tip toes to get in his face. "Ooh, did my little Ravie-koi just compliment me?" Ikuto says in mock shock. "You could say that." I answer, poking his nose. "Anyway, if you want to eat, you can go outside, and knock on the door, saying whatever believable excuse you come up with, and you can eat.". I hand him his completely packed bag, and open the door, walking downstairs to eat. 

"Ohio Raven!" Aiko squeals jumping on me, and I wince, which causes her to remember and let go of me, and I make myself toast and pour a glass of pomegranate juice, setting it down at my seat. My sister grabs my hand to ask something. "Onee-san, was the blue haired boy your boyfriend?" "No!" I say, technically telling the truth. I'm about to take a seat when the doorbell rings. My mom dashes to open it, and I can hear her talking to the person, it's gotta be Ikuto. "Oh sure! Come inside dear!" she says, letting him in. "They're in the kitchen." Mom tells Ikuto as he comes into the kitchen. "Oi, Tsukiyomi!" Toby says, slapping him on the back as boys do. "Yo Tobes, hey Ravie." Ikuto says, pounding my older bro on the back and twirling a strand of my red violet hair between his fingers. "You want to eat anything?" I ask, knowing the answer. "Sure." Ikuto replies, sitting in my chair and eating my breakfast. I purse my lips, shooting a glare, but not responding other than grabbing a peach, which I eat quickly, and then I go to brush my teeth and grab my bag. When I arrive downstairs, Toby and Ikuto are talking, and putting bentos in their bags. I slip one into mine, and bid Mom goodbye. The boys and I start walking to school, and then my friends show up, including my new guy friend from when I was a kid: Masaru Hasegawa. We then waste several hours at school, much to our displeasure.

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