The Hatching of the Second Chara

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I feel a sharp pain in my ear. "Yowwch! What was that for!?". "You're going to be late! Hurry!". Stopping my sharp glare directed at Kokoro, I jump up to get ready. Tightening my corset and swinging my bag onto my shoulder, now holding my eggs and the Humpty Lock, I dash downstairs to grab my bento. "Bye!" I yell over my shoulder, running out the door. I character change, which causes spiked bracelets to cover my wrists, and a silver skull hair clip appears in my side bangs. "Here ya go!" Kokoro hollers, shoving a piece of toast into my mouth, and I thank her as dignified as it's possible to be when you're running and trying not to choke on your breakfast. Soon enough, the building comes into view, and I go through the doors. I make a quick stop to my locker to drop my stuff off, like my lunch, gym uniform, and unnecessary items. Slamming it shut and locking it, I crash into someone. "Gomen ne." I apologize, then notice that it was that one really creepy jock boy. Oh sh#t.

"Well, if it isn't little Raven..." he cooes, which caused me to roll my eyes in disgust. "I'm actually not little, and if you don't mind, I need to get to class.". Pushing him aside, I enter my homeroom. "Kokoro, that guy's a player. I don't wanna be near him." I mumble under my breath. "Yeah, he needs to get the hint.". Evidently, nobody hears her high-pitched voice or can see her, so she should be fine. Our lesson is on some grammar things. The day goes pretty well until I'm walking home from school, I'm alone because Toby has went back to walk with his buddies, and I still hadn't told him my secret. "Well hello there." a voice behind me says. My eyes almost pop out of my head as I spin on my heel, slamming my hand against Sadao's face. He's that creepy jock boy from earlier. 

"What the f#ck?! Why are you following me, I have absolutely no interest in you whatsoever, so get a life and go away!" I shout in his face. "I'm following you because you're the hottest girl at school-" "I think not! I don't have any positive feelings for you, and I don't wanna be your toy, and I will not be used!" "Too bad for you, you belong to me, you know that." "Oh h#ll naw, I don't belong to you, nor anyone, I'm my own person!". I continued to scream profanities, until he snatches my throat, causing a shocked choke to fly out of my mouth. "Listen here, you little b#tch. You are with me, and you will always be watched. You can't hide.". With that, he attempts to kiss me, but I refuse.  "Character change." I mutter under my breath, and the bracelets and clip appear on me. At school, we're to be good students, but if a guy is trying to get to me, I have no problem shoving him away and beating the dude into a bloody pulp. A quick kick where it hurts causes him to let go, and I take that as an opportunity to escape. I run like I'm being chased by a horrible creature, which could work if he runs after me. 

I dash until I am safely in front of my house. "Ugghh, he is the first person that will die if I ever get my hands on a gun." I pant, feeling my bag twitch. Wait, what? "If I were you, I would carry a weapon all the time-" "I'll get expelled!" "It's self-defense!" "Whatever.". Crossing my arms over my chest, I walk up a few steps, until my bag heats up, a little voice speaking from it. "That's not nice! Be a sweet girl!". "Huh?!". My bag opens up, and the sparkly pink egg with hearts flies out. The egg opens, and an adorable little chara floats in front of me. She has platinum blonde hair with a lavender ombre styled in 2 high fishtail braids, lavender eyes, a short and playful pastel party dress, gold sandals, a few pieces of jewelry, and heart-shaped magenta clips in her hair, on the bottom of her braids. She's so kawaii. "Hey girl, I'm Emi!" she bubbles. "I represent your would be self, and I'm here for you!". She seems nice and friendly. "Um, hi. This is Kokoro, and let's get in, it looks like it's going to rain.". As if on cue, thunder booms, lightning flashes, and rain pours onto our heads. "Oh no, get in!" Emi screams, causing me to flinch. My charas zoom into my bag, and I scramble inside. Shaking my hair, I clomp upstairs, into my room after tossing the bento onto the counter. I release Kokoro and Emi, and change out of my damp clothes and tie my dripping hair up.

 I unpack, and realize that I now have 2 little munchkins to follow me around. Now things are starting to get interesting, and I still have 2 unhatched eggs left.

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