The Rescue

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Clary slowly opened her eyes. She was laying in a bed of golden flowers, which for some reason was growing in a cave. Clary lay there for a couple moments, running through her head the things that had just happened to her. The memories gave her chills, so she stopped thinking about it. Clary pulled herself up off the ground reluctantly. She wanted to stay on the ground forever, having the feeling of never having to do anything, but she knew she couldn't. Clary started to walk into a hallways that was to her right. It was pitch black in here, no light at all. She stopped to reach for her flashlight that she had left in her pocket, but nothing was there. Clary remembered that she also had a backpack, which was also gone... Weird

After walking for an hour or so, Clary came across another patch of flowers, there must be a lot down here. She bent down to pick one up that stood out to her. It was taller than the rest and seemed to be more yellow. Clary rested her hand around it before plucking it out of the ground. As soon as she was about to pull, a scream cut her off.

"You think you can just take anything you want here?!" A voice screamed from behind Clary.

Clary whipped around to find a girl in a green and pink stripped shirt. She held a knife in her hand as if she has been with it forever, she was flipping it in her hand absentmindedly. Clary backed up and tripped over a weed that she didn't notice growing before.

"Well, who owns this garden? I can ask them if I can take it then!" Clary shouted back at the other human.

"There." She swings her knife and points to the flower you were about to pick. "Go ahead, ask him if you can pick him and carry him around like a little doll." The girl snapped at Clary.

"In case you didn't notice, that's a flower." Clary snapped back.

"A flower with a face and vocal cords." The girl said, with an edge to her voice as sharp as the knife in her hand.

Clary looked to the flower again. The first time she looked at it she didn't see any face. Clary studied the flower, a smiley face popped up and Clary screamed. She raised her foot and hacked the flower, until it was oozing white stuff. It looked at her with an expression of hatred; if that's even possible for a flower. It raised its head to look at the girl.

"Well, what are you doing?! Don't just stand there! Do something!" The flower screamed at the girl.

The girl turned her head to look at Clary, her eyes brought a memory to Clary, but it was hard to think while a girl with blood red eyes and a knife looks like she wants to kill you. Clary got up and ran to the only hallway in this room, only to be blocked by spiky vines. Clary turned her head around to see the flower glaring at you, and smiling an evil smile.

"You really think you killed me?! You barley even touched me!" It screamed in its oddly high pitched voice.

The girl was taking her time on advancing on Clary, she had an identical grin to the Flower's; blood thirsty and evil. Clary backed up against a wall, panicking and quickly thinking on what to do. Her mind came up with nothing, so she just slumped down onto the ground and waited for the killing blow that would put Clary out of her own fear. Why did she do this in the first place? Couldn't she had of waited for truth to come home? Or just not have gone at all? Either way, it was too late now to be regretting this. At least Clary could die knowing that she did it for a good cause. Clary laughed to herself sadly. This is stupid, she was being killed by a flower, and a girl that she didn't even know.

"CLARY!!!" A voice screamed, the girls voice was familiar, she was the reason Clary had come down here in the first place, there is no way Clary could ever forget the discounts of her voice.

It was Truth.

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