idk what this chapter is supposed to be named

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"What even happened?" Clary asked, wanting an explanation she knew she wouldn't get.

Clary had finally released Truth from the that bear hug, and was instead walking with her again. They weren't walking very fast, because of the shock over what had just happened.

"I don't know. I just know that it felt like I couldn't do anything at all, except for watch. Just before I got control again, I heard the girl, Chara, say something to me. She told me to tell you that next time, it wouldn't be so easy..." Truth explained, she said Chara's name with disgust.

"Either way, let's hope that won't happen again anytime soon." Clary said.

The rest of the walk was in silence, nobody said anything since there wasn't much of a conversation topic. Clary started to think about what was happening, she tried to sort her thoughts and make sense of them.

Flowey, was that his name? Either way, it was a demonic little flower. Clary had a feeling that he was probably behind some of this. Considering the fact that both him and Chara showed up at the same time together, they were probably working together. They made a good team, they were both evil, cold, and both of them want to bring pain to others. It was probably only a matter of time before she saw them again.

"Want to see Blooky?" Truth asked Clary.

They stopped at an area that had paths going 4 ways. Two paths led to a house, one led to a duck, then the other one led to a cave.

"Who's Blooky?" Clary asked.

"He's a ghost, he likes to make music. He's really nice."

Clary thought about this for a minute, then decided that there'd be no harm in meeting someone new.

"Sure." Clary said.

Truth walked ahead and took the path that had 2 houses, one was bright pink while the other one was a dull blue. Truth led her over to the blue one and knocked on the door. Clary was making different images in her mind, wondering if that was what Blooky was going to look like. She was thinking of big scary ghosts, so it was a surprise when a little small ghost came to open the door. He was floating to about the height of her head, and was about as tall as her arm was long.

"Oh....Hi Truth." Said the ghost. He seemed really shy.

"Hi Blooky! This is Clary, we just wanted to stop by and say hi."

There was a loud noise from behind the ghost. Something that looked like a robot appeared from behind him. It looked like the robot was designed to look like a human. He was black hair, and was wearing pink metal clothing with a black belt.

"Why hello darlings!~" Said the robot, it turned and dramatically posed from behind the ghost. It occurred to Clary that this had to be the most popular celebrity in the underground: Mettaton. But why would he be all the way in waterfall, didn't he live in Hotland? It didn't matter, Clary was still surprised and happy that she got to meet him. Truth widened her eyes in surprise at Mettatons sudden appearence, she obviously wasn't expecting to see him either.

"Hi Mettaton!" Truth finally said after staring at the robot for a good 30 seconds.

"Come in!~" Mettaton said, Blooky didn't seem shocked that Mettaton had invited them in, even though it obviously wasn't his house. Truth walked in without hesitation, but Clary was more cautious. When she got in she looked around for a couch but didn't find one to sit on. She looked at Truth to see what she had done, but she was just standing and looking around. Who wouldn't have a couch or a bed in their house? Then again, he's a ghost so he'd probably just go right through it...

"Would you like something to eat?~" Mettaton asked. He turned and walked over to the fridge, even though nobody had answered.

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