The Plan

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"Truth, do you think mom and dad could come down here? Or we could get back up?" Clary asked, breaking the awkward silence at the table. They had been eating the spaghetti that Papyrus had made for them, saying that it was made with a new mystery ingredient. Clary had found out the hard way that the new addition was a cucumber...

"Uhhh, well, I don't really think that we will be able to get back up. Or get anybody down..." Truth said softly.

"Is there a reason?" Clary asked, trying to get an explanation out of her.

"Well, in order to get out, one of us have to die... Because Asgore, the king, already has 6 human souls, and in order to break the barrier that is keeping us from above ground, he needs 7. So it isn't really possible." Truth explained awkwardly.

So they were trapped together down here for how long? Their whole life?! No, there has to be another way, but deep down, Clary knew that she was just lying to herself. Truth would have told her if there was another option. Maybe they could just wait for another human to come down? Then again, how long would that take? A couple of years probably. Clary told herself that she'd find a way, she wouldn't just give in and stay down here for the rest of her life without a fight.

"Where's the king?" Clary asked curiously.


"Okay, thanks Papy." Clary said with a smile.

After the spaghetti was eaten, everybody went to do their own thing. Sans went to who knows where. Papyrus went to attend cooking lessons with a monster named Undyne, and Truth was watching Mettaton on the T.V. He looked like he was enjoying himself, talking about the top ten movies of this year. They were all names that Clary didn't recognize, and as pictures popped up on the screen of them, most of them seemed to be anime. The one that seemed to stand out most to Clary was one called 'Mew Mew Kissy Cutey'. It seemed odd... But then again, why should she be judging, after all, they'd be judging shows from above ground.

"Okay, I have a plan to get out of here!" Clary shouted to Truth excitedly. It wasn't a very good one, but it was better than none at all.

"Ok." Truth said, turning her head towards Clary and looking away from Mettaton.

"So, we go to Asgore, then you talk to him and try to see if he knows another way out!" Clary shouted.

"Why me?" Truth pouted.

"Because I suck at talking, that's why." Clary said.

"Okay by the way, I don't think this is going to work. Because Asgore will probably just kill us before I can get a single word out. But it's better than sitting here for the next couple of years. Since the only thing on the TV is Mettaton, and there's only so much of that I can handle." Truth said rolling her eyes and laughing.

"That's always true. Ok, Lets go now, we have no time to waste!" Clary said, grabbing her friends arm and dragging her towards the door.

"Woah, wait. We're going now?" Truth said in surprise.

"Yeah, when else are we going to get an opportunity to get out of here? Both Sans and Papyrus are out right now, so we can just go now." Clary explained.

"Well... I guess..." Truth said halfheartedly, it didn't seem that she was too thrilled to go right now, but that didn't change Clary's mind.

<Truth's pov>

They didn't even bother leaving a note or anything, they told themselves that it would make it too hard to leave then, and they couldn't have anything slowing them down. They were packing their stuff into backpacks and were about to leave and start their adventure, but something stopped Truth. She felt like she was forgetting something, but she had no idea what though. She ran up to her room, trying to know what she was going up for. Although no matter how hard much she thought about it, she couldn't figure it out. Truth swung the door open and started to rummage through the mess in her room.

Well, I've had enough of watching you spin in circles trying to look for what you're 'missing'. So I'll just get to the point on why I got you to come up here.

Truth instantly recognized the horrid voice: Chara. The last time she heard from her, was her saying that she was going to destroy everything Truth loved. So, judging from what a friendly conversation they had last time, Truth wasn't too happy about having to listen to her again.

So what I wanted to say, was that pretty soon you're not going to be in control anymore. You won't be able to stop yourself, no matter how hard you try. But don't worry, I'll do the killing for you, so you can just lay back and watch everything happen in front of you. Oh and by the way, you aren't actually forgetting anything. Have a fun time!

Then everything went back to the way it was before. Not that anything was different when Chara was rambling on about killing stuff, just that the atmosphere changed back from eerie to friendly. Truth walked back downstairs, trying to mask all emotions from her face so that Clary wouldn't start to ask her questions.

"Do you have everything?" Truth asked Clary as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Yup." Clary answered.

The both of them walked out of the door and into the snowy cold street to start the adventure that held many surprises for them.

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