Chapter 5

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After ordering everything on the menu I still had about a 100 dollars left on the debt card. So I went shopping. I mean if he was gonna make me his slave then I deserve this shopping spree " Mom Im home!"

" Winter! Its 10:00 where have you been?"

Ugh I rolled my eyes. Its only ten and besides its not like I can tell them that I just signed my self off as a slave to the devil. " Nothing ! I went over Allisons house . "

With that I went to my room. I texted Allison asking her to cover for me and telling her everything that went on between me and drew and the contract.

That night I got a call. I answered" Hello"


... I recognize that voice... " Drew!?!" I screamed

" Wow I take you out to Lunch and this is the thanks I get"

How did this creep get my number! ? . " How the freak did you get my number !?"

He replied calmly" I know some people."

..This was getting annoying and creepy. " Well what do you want? "

"Look out your window"

" Wait what? "

" Are you stupid? I said look out your window. "

Fuming I hopped up and ran over to my window moving the curtains.

OH MY FREAKING GOD ... he was standing right across from me in the balcony of the building across. I opened the window. "What the Hell do you think your doing! ?"

He smirked" Way to cause a scene . I live here. So when I call you to report to your slave duties you show up here. My room is 306. That'll be all. "

And with that he shut his balcony doors and left.

I seriously need to call the cops on this guy. I mean he moved freakin right next door to me! ! I shut my window and pulled my curtains closed. Well there goes my privacy, can't even open my window without the thought of that creep.

The next morning was just about the same as the rest. Woke up late. Rushed to put on clothes and headed out the door with breakfast stuffed in my mouth. When I walked into my class room literally all the girls flocked to me.

" Winter!! so how's your new boy friend doing!?"

Well I thought. Why make myself look like a loser I mean I didn't want anybody to know about this. " Oh him. Yeah what can I say he's madly in love with me. He just needs to be with me all the time that's why he came to school. "

Allison rolled her eyes and traveled to the back of the room.

During lunch I got a call on my cell. I slipped into the bathroom.

" Hello?"

" I want you to come over now."

Great just the guy I wanted to talk to. " Drew I'm at school I can't! "

" Ok unless you wanna end up in jail! You signed a legal contract saying you will show up whenever and wherever I want you ok! ? Now get over here. "

With that the phone clicked and he hung up. " HELLO !??!?"

How the hell am I supposed to get to his house now? Its the middle of the day!!!Schools not even half over. I need to get out somehow! !

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