Chapter 7

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                It was now the beginning of February, about a month into the school year. By now, all of my teachers pretty much thought that I was some sort of genius because of my receiving hundreds on almost every test, when in reality I would just be mentally Googling all the answers I didn’t know. And they weren’t the least bit suspicious that my school performance didn’t quite match up with my averagely-intelligent IQ.

                I haven’t had a whole lot of success with my plan to take over the school, although Maxmillion and I have had some fun using his high-tech equipment to sabotage other students (but I still refuse to call him a friend). Timber was still my favorite target. It was rather satisfying to watch her perfect life slip from her fingertips as she became more and more depressed.

                Maxmillion pointed out a girl that might possibly have some potential for my empire, though. This was our latest strategy: pick out random people, and stalk them until we know enough about them to determine if they’re one of the people we’ve been looking for. Anyway, our current subject was a small, shy girl I don’t really remember seeing before, because she’s that good at blending in. Now that we were actually paying attention to her, thought, I realized that the girl was actually in a couple of my classes.

                Her name was Libra, and she had pale skin, brown eyes, and straight brown hair. There was nothing exceptional about her appearance, and she was very good at going unnoticed. That’s what had caused us to be interested in her in the first place. People who seem normal are the ones that should never be overlooked.

                Maxmillion and I were casually walking throught the aisles of the local Whitecap, the convenience store that always jacks the prices of their products, then brings them back to normal and calls it a sale. In reality, however, we were actually stalking Libra, who just seemed to be walking around, looking at things, but not picking anything up. Then, just as we were about to give up hope that she was doing anything of importance, I saw it. Right when she thought that no one was looking, she slipped a bracelet into her pocket. Nothing fancy, just the classic grab-and-stash.

                “Maxmillion, did you see that?” I whispered as we spied on Libra from the next aisle.


                “She just stole that bracelet! Come on, let’s follow her!”

                Libra simply strolled out of the store, and no one did more than glance in her direction when the alarm sounded as she passed through the doors. Naturally, they just assumed that it was malfunctioning as it always did.

                “We need to talk to her. She can do whatever she wants to without getting caught. She’s perfect!”

                “But what if she doesn’t want to help you?”

                “Then I’ll make her help me.”

                We continued to follow Libra down the street, making sure she couldn’t see us. It was times like these that I wished trees grew around here. When we were positive that no one was watching us, I made my move.

                “Psst! Libra! Over here!” I whispered rather loudly, as Maxmillion and I crouched behind a large boulder. Libra glanced over to us, and I thought she was going to pass out when she saw me. I assumed that she thought that it was bad news if somebody spoke to her, and even more so if it was me. Slowly and nervously, Libra made her way to the boulder.

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