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  I pretty much went through the day with no expression or emotion. There was nothing to think about. I'd just been threatened by my cold-hearted, fast tempered, aggressive ex boyfriend. I couldn't even smile thinking about Richard, which is the main reason i'm being threatened. I don't want to date that spawn of satan but i also don't want anyone else but my best friends and my pillow know anything about my admiration for Richard. But how did he find out? Did someone spill the beans? No, they're my best friends they wouldn't do that, and they know not to tell Leeroy out of all people.

  You know what, this is ridiculous i'm not going to be played like a fool by him again. Forget calmly and peacefully dealing with things. I'm gonna set things straight. I started speed walking and zooming through the halls looking everywhere to find Leeroy. I made a U turn and went up the stairs. People complained and yelled and told me to "watch it" but I could car less right now. I finally found Leeroy about to walk right into his classroom on the 3rd floor when I yelled out "LEEROY".

 Leeroy stopped right where he was and turned around. Once he saw me he grinned. I angrily marched over to him. 

"Sorry I'd love to stay and chat with you Charlette but I got class" Leeroy said sarcastically.

"You don't care one bit about this class if you're threatening someone to do all you're homework and go out with you, don't make excuses." I said angrily.

I dragged him over to the side. "Now I'm gonna say this once, you better knock all this bullshit out of your head about us ever getting back together because it won't happen. How do you even have the nerve to threaten my by writing that stupid note. I'm sorry you know you're a low-life single pringle but don't you ever take that against me. I know we had something, but now it's gone and will NEVER come back. If you even DARE try to tell ANYONE who I like, you'll be expelled, I swear." 

Leeroy's eyes grew big and confused. "Umm Charlette, what IN THE HELL are you talking about?? What note??"

"Oh don't play dumb you bastard this note that you put in my locker this morning." I waved the note in his face.

Leeroy took the note and his eyes grew as big as Amanda's when she read it. "Well then I guess there's a fraud in this school because Charlette you're cool and all but i'm 100% over you, I mean i know im a douche and all but not THIS douchey. I could care less who you like too. All I know is I didn't write that note. I mean look at this i don't write like this. I wish but i don't. And i don't initial myself L.M. it's L.Mazda" Leeroy handed me back the note. The bell rang. "Seems like you're late to class now Charlette, seeya later." He walked into his classroom leaving me there standing in the halls clueless and dumbfounded. 

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