One Direction One Shots

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{lydia here} I decided a book of One Direction one shots would be fun! The reason they are on this account is for..

1. I want them to be a little PG13 and I can't do stuff like that on my personal because my teachers read my stories thanks to Audrey who told them my account

2. I want Priya to write in here too! Hopefully she will xD 

So yeah. I guess the following warnings may apply in some of these and there may be more I don't know. 

- Language

- Fluff

- boyxboy 

- Violence

- Possible smut? Not majorly but ya' knooooow.. hehe 

- Death 

- Abuse 

- AU

- Angst 

Like I said, there will probably be other stuff be I (or we?) will make sure there are warnings at the beginning :) Prompt me (us? haha) ! 

We don't own One Direction, but as far as I am concerned everything else is ours. 

One Direction One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now